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Killua pov
The next day...

Today, Gon was starting up his training again. Yesterday ever since what happened, it's been decided that Gon and Mito will stay in Ging's pool with salt water. It wasn't the best but.. it was better than anything else around.

I was just so worried... Kite and Bisky explained that Gon's bond with the ocean needed to be strong. But the Ocean nowadays seemed to have become- evil. What if Gon was attacked again?? I wouldn't be able to handle it.. tonight was the last night Mito and Gon would stay in the ocean. After the ocean becomes safe again, they could return.

"Gon!! Do meditation once more! Feel the connection, and try to focus!" Bisky yelled and Gon was frowning.

He was also shivering a whole bunch.. how could this hag yell at him when he literally got scared half to death yesterday?!!! She was really going to get it this time. So I stood up to go storm into the water to get her, but Kite held me back and shook his head.

"B-but Gon isn't doing well!!! His mental state and over all health always comes first!!" I yelled at him.

Kite just shrugged in return and looked back to where Gon was meditating above water. He was concentrating very hard, and the amount of power coming off of him was amazing. I could tell because now he had a light green aura around him it seemed..

He snapped out of it though when Bisky clapped her hands.

"Good job!!! Now do it again, but this time try to use some sort of magic.. it can be any type. As long as it isn't too advanced for you." Bisky explained to him.

Gon nodded slowly before looking over to me with some fear. I gave a slight nod to him so I could reassure him everything would be ok. Along with that I kept a warm smile on my face. Him seeing me worried wouldn't help at all.

My best friend then closed his eyes again, and the green aura appeared around him. Nothing happened at first... but then..

The wind suddenly began to blow faster around him, causing his hair to flow in the breeze. The stripes he had
on his arms began to glow green along with his now open eyes. His tail even started to glow too.

Kite and Bisky became surprised when the water around Gon started to cover him. Gon's tail soon disappeared and in its place... were human legs. Like what happened with Illumi... but the magic wasn't done yet?!

"Gon stop!! Your going too far!" Kite screamed but Gon didn't listen despite his pleads.

The water around him suddenly formed beautiful white silk that covered Gon's body like a sheet being blown away. His green shorts were seen through the silk still. But all I could do right now.... was blush.

He looked beautiful.. the way his green hair flowed in the wind, his body fit perfectly in the flowing silk. Also his round eyes glowing, made my own sparkle. I just wanted to cup his cheek in my hand and admire his beauty.

The air around us was so calm now, it almost seemed like time froze.

Eventually, Gon ran out of energy and he fell limp into the water with his legs going back to his tail. He also stopped glowing, and the silk was gone.

"Gon!!!" I cried in worry to him.

I then swam out to him despite still having my shirt on and held him close. I smiled a little when I saw he was still breathing, and he just seemed to be in a calm sleep. In that time frame, my anger towards Bisky raised again. Making Kite gulp at my sinister glare.

"What the hell is wrong with you old hag?!!! Couldn't you tell Gon was in pain?!! He literally almost died yesterday, and you just decide to go back to normal as if it never happened?!! That's bullshit! Now look what you've done!!! Gon is hurt!" I screamed at her before holding Gon close to my chest.

Bisky growled and her eyes glowed slightly pink.

"Killua, how many times do we have to tell you to stay out of it!! Yes we obviously could tell Gon was struggling, but he needs to learn that the hardest times can't get in the way of his objective! It's only to boost his confidence! And Killua, nothing is normal anymore... our kind is...." Bisky paused with some tears and looked to kite and unconscious Gon, "we are fading... and I know this is hard for you to see him suffer. But he is doing this for you... he has so many things planned and, he wants you to see it. Gon being hurt also right now isn't our fault... he chose to go beyond his limit. That spell is... way to powerful. I'm not even sure how he survived.." Bisky said sadly and I froze.

He could have died from that?! What spell was he trying to do?!!

"W-what?!! What spell could he possibly be trying to accomplish with that type of consequence!?" I sobbed and made sure Gon stayed close to me still.

Kite then swam forward towards us now since he formed his tail. Now he looked at me with worry.

"He... he was trying to accomplish human evolution. He wanted to transform his tail into human legs obviously.. which is a basic spell upon us mermaids, but what he added is what caused the catastrophe." Kite stopped for a moment and he frowned, "he added a spell called Pyro Nova.. it's way beyond even my abilities. It's almost like a mating call.. the white silk represented his love for someone that kept him safe and warm. But if he had done that for much longer, the silk would have turned into burning cloth, to show how everlasting his passion is. Killua... I think he was trying to tell you something..." kite finished finally, and my eyes widened.

I couldn't move... I couldn't breathe. I just shook, with tears going down my cheeks. Wait.. he wanted to show his love and passion for me?! But why?? Couldn't he have just told me with words?

"Yes Killua I know what you're thinking.. why didn't he just tell you with words? Well...." Bisky took a deep breathe, "because he cares about you so much that he's.. devoting his life to you. Mermaids usually have to show that through magical rituals or spells like he just did.."

I was still so shocked and held Gon tighter. He really was going that far... for me? But why?! I knew he said he loved me.. why the hell did he do this when I already know?!

"I-oh Gon what were y-you thinking?? Don't k-kill yourself with this... I can't lose you..." I whispered to him still despite his unconsciousness.

But he seemed to still understand me and smiled slightly.

I cried more towards him and buried my face into his hair. Why was he doing this??? He wanted to devote his whole life to me? But why.... I'm just a lost teenager who can barely find a way out of the darkness.

"B-because I want to help you out of that darkness.."

I froze when I heard Gon whisper to me with his raspy injured voice. I looked down then to see Gon had set his hand onto my chest, and the area where his hand was glowed orange.

"G-gon..." I managed to stutter out through my surprise and other emotions.

Suddenly the water around me shot up like geysers and I yelped. They all shot up in a circle around my form, and I felt something... it was love... Gon...

I then looked down to him and noticed he had gone unconscious again and the water shooting up around me stopped.

Gon, why are you doing this? For me? You have such a long life ahead of you.. I don't want to hold you back...

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