𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 17

245 18 25

Gon pov

It was getting pretty late now, so I decided to bid my farewells to Ging, Leorio, and Killua. I was sad to be leaving them, but I did need to get back so I didn't worry Aunt Mito. Kurapika and I went separate ways too. He headed north of the bay to go do some hunting for himself. Speaking of which, my satchel was full of fish for me to bring back home, and I was so excited! I couldn't wait to see Aunt Mito's smile when I show her that I got her favorite fish!

While swimming, I was pretty close to the surface because the cool water relaxed my straining muscles.

But suddenly... I heard the roar of a boat engine. Which caused me to Yelp and swim downward. I looked up just in time to see a fisher boat above me, and two men were taking out nets and spears.

I screamed in fear and tried to swim away, but it was too late.. A huge fish net went around my body and I was tugged up out of the water. Tears covered my face and I screamed out for help. Sadly, no help ever came because I was too far from the beach now to be heard.

"Oi! Be quiet you!" Screamed one of the men and he punched me across the face.

I cried again and they threw me and the fish net hard onto the boats deck. I landed with a thud and felt my left shoulder get dislocated. The pain was unbearable. I just wanted to scream, and I was about to but one of the men stomped their foot onto my face and pressed me down.

"Illumi never said we couldn't hurt it could we? Heh, I want this to at least be a little fun.." said the other man that was present.

The two chuckled at the idea and I cried even more. One of the men then threw me out of the fish net and slammed me against the wall of the upper deck. I gagged and he took out his pocket knife.

"These scales could go for a fortune couldn't they?" Asked the man who had me pinned.

"Ya, I'd think lots of businesses would kill for those, why don't we snatch a few.." the man in back said with a cackle.

"Sure thing!"

I cried suddenly when the man pinning me stabbed his pocket knife into my tail. I sobbed and he started to scrape off some flesh and scales. It was the worst pain I've ever felt..

After what felt like hours, he finally finished cutting out a bunch of chunks of my scales and flesh. And he put them in the basket beside him while the other man wrapped it up.

At the moment I was in too much pain to even speak, and I was going to cry out but the man who had cut my tail up pointed the knife at my neck.

"Make another sound and you're done for.. we could sell you for a fortune.. so take this as a warning you hear me you little rat?!" He screamed and I nodded slightly.

He chuckled then and brought the knife to my cheek and gave a swift cut to it. Blood now went down my face and I coughed when some got into my mouth. The man who had cut me slammed me onto the ground afterwards and kicked me in the chest.

"Hey, go lock this thing up downstairs.. I don't want it making more of a mess than it already has.." he scowled and the other man nodded.

The other man on board then picked me up by my hair and dragged me below deck. I was severely in need of water and he threw me into a cell down below. It wasn't really specifically a cell... it was more of a storage room...

"You're lucky you're even alive.. if our friend hadn't of ordered us to bring you alive, we would have torn you apart..." he paused his words and shoved me against the boiler.

The metal was hot from holding all of the steaming water inside and I sobbed quietly.

"Now stay quiet and we won't hurt you more than we already have.. you got that?!" He screamed at me and used the handle of his knife to nudge my chin upwards to look him in the eyes.

I clenched my teeth and nodded a little. I could barely move due to how much pain filled my body. It was unbearable.. I couldn't take it..

"Good.. now if you dry up or some shit just use that water barrel over there.." the man grunted to me and left.

He locked the door behind him and I heard his thumping footsteps up above on the deck.

Once I knew he was gone, I sobbed out. My tail was bleeding everywhere around me, and I curled up into a little ball to try and relieve myself of any pain. The blood stained my hair now, and my whole body shivered. The blood flow from the cut on my face didn't slow down much either. It was a small cut, but it went pretty deep..

The pain from everything got me down to the bone, and I honestly felt like I was going to die.

That's when the horror came to my realization. This is what happened to my mom.. oh god... the pain she must have gone through was probably much worse than this. I just don't understand what they want from me! I prayed to myself that Killua would come, that he would come and save me from this nightmare. I hoped this was just a dream, and I would wake up in his arms and see his beautiful blue eyes.

I blinked so many times to try and reassure myself that this wasn't real... but the blood soaked wood floor below me never disappeared. And the pain was too real to ignore..

I let out pain filled clicks and my throat was so dry that I could barely breathe. I did remember about the water in the barrel, and I dragged myself over towards it. I gasped for air now and felt my time running out. Suddenly a loose nail in the floor boards caught in one of my gashes and it tore open my flesh. Which caused me to scream in agony. I pulled as hard as I could and the nail came loose finally, but it also ripped many of my scales off and my gash opened up even more. My cries became even louder and I reached over to the barrel.

I knocked it over with a swift push from my hands and the water went falling onto me. It refreshed me and My throat became hydrated again. Although the salty water made my wounds sting very badly, and I tried to hold back my screams. It was hard to, and I just ended up coughing blood.

Out of no where, the door to the storage room burst open. The man who had brought me down here stood there furious.

"What did I say about being quiet?! You're gonna get it now you little rodent!!!" He scowled and he took out a pocket knife much similar to the one before.

I sobbed and tried to back away, but he grabbed my tail and sliced down the middle. The cut was deep and my eyes rolled back when I felt the brutally agonizing pain. I coughed and the man used the same knife again to slash my eye. I froze when the vision from my left eye disappeared, and blood went flooding down that side of my face.

I was struggling to breathe and the man grabbed my neck.

"Listen to me you little shit.. if you make one more god damn sound I'll kill you.. I don't care if Illumi beats the hell out of me.. you got that?!!" He screamed and shoved me into the wall.

I couldn't even speak now and stayed limp in his grasp.

"That's what I thought, now stay quiet.. There's more water over there if you want to live.." the man said before dropping me onto the ground and he left.

I felt very dizzy and fell onto my side. I felt tears come from my one working eye and I reached weakly towards the locked door.

"K-Killuba.. h-help me...." I managed to wheeze out quietly.

But I couldn't stay conscious anymore, and everything went black. The pain was still there, and the horror never went away despite my slumber.

Am I going to die here...?

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