𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 6

455 21 47

Killua pov

I was sitting with Leorio talking with him, when I suddenly heard a loud splash from the water. I was frantic to catch my eyes on it, and I did just in time. I saw a boy... I didn't get to make out much of his features, but what stood out to me was the vibrant green mermaid tail..

"Hey!!! I know you're out there!! Come on out I want to meet you!!" I yelled out and waited with urgency.

Leorio was confused and looked over to me.

"You saw that too didn't you?" I tell him and he nodded.

"Yes.. but I didn't get to make out much of it. All I saw was a splash. It easily could have been a fish." Leorio said and I shook my head.

"No it was the mermaid I swear!" I frantically tried to get Leorio to believe me and desperately looked back out to the water.

"Are you there?! Please come out.." I say and held my hands anxiously to my chest.

Leorio waited and just looked at the waves, waiting for this so called mermaid to show up.

I was starting to lose hope and sighed but I heard bubbles. I froze before looking down in the water, and I indeed saw bubbles rising. They were three feet away from the docks and my eyes widened.

Out of the water came the boy.. his hair was green and black, and spiked. His eyes were round, the same ones I saw with curiosity yesterday.. his chest was slightly above the water and I could also make out markings on him. Who knows what they were.. maybe something tribal.. I looked again and saw through the water, his green tail again. It was beautiful...

I was surprised at my own thoughts and didn't even notice Leorio slightly freaking out beside me.

"O-oh god!! You were right!!" Leorio yelped and darted up to his feet.

The mermaid boy became nervous and backed away a little. But he looked into my eyes again and seemed to calm. Which confused me a little.. I then realized that Leorio shouldn't freak out, it would scare him even more.

"Leorio chill... you are scaring him.." I say and Leorio froze.

The man blinked a few times, but agreed and slowly sat back down. He was nervous still though, I could tell.

The boy suddenly swam up to us swiftly and looked up with those big eyes again. He seemed very curious.. has he never been around humans before? I wouldn't be surprised.. some of us can be real ass holes..

I shook out of my trance of shock and decided to finally speak to him though. He seemed calm and collected now.

"H-hello there.. what's your name?" I asked and the boy smiled a little.

He responded then with a few clicks from his throat. Oh wait... his communication must be like a dolphins or something. That's hard.. but he seems to understand the human language though.

"I'm sorry but.. I can't understand you... can you speak English?" I asked and he thought for a moment.

He then puffed up his cheeks, causing me to become confused.

"Yessssssssssssss." He said after letting out all of the collected air in his cheeks.

He seemed to know the basics, but still learning.

"Oh that's good, I was scared I wouldn't be able to understand you um..." I stopped talking though to see the mermaid boy smiling now.

"Im Gon!!" He said with a weird accent, and the n sound was a little over exaggerated. But it was adorable.. wait what?!

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