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Leorio pov
(3 days later..)

It's been three days.. still no sign of Gon anywhere. We can't find anything else in the ocean for clues sadly. I couldn't even begin to imagine the pain Gon must be going through.. unless he's...

No, I refuse to believe that boy is dead. Gon is a fighter, he's strong! He wouldn't let someone just take his life like that. He wouldn't even give them a chance. He's someone I know that would fight back.. hopefully he did.. but obviously if he had gotten out of his captors grasp he would be here now. But he's not.

Currently I was walking down the sidewalk to go to our local aquarium. I missed Gon so much and I wanted to go see some things that reminded me of him. It took me a good few minutes, but I reached the aquarium entrance and went inside. It was pretty busy surprisingly and I paid for my entree fee before heading off.

This situation with Gon has also really affected Killua... it's affected Killua more than any of us.. Killua has been living with me ever since the situation with his family, and he hasn't come out of his room that I moved him into at all.. I always here screams and sobs too. I hated to see him in so much pain.

Suddenly a few little children pushed past me and were rushing towards the back where a pretty big tank was. I was surprised at first, then angry, then confused. That tank was the busiest of them all.. in fact nobody else was at any other tank but that one.

There were bunches of kids tapping and hitting the glass to probably lure something out. I then went over to investigate.

Once I got over, the crowd was much bigger up close. So I made my way through everyone and came face to face with the glass of the tank. Inside of it, there was nothing there.. I did see a few small fish hiding within some fake coral, but nothing else..

So why was this one so special? If there was barely anything here?

But soon enough my eyes caught onto the similar sparkling green scales. It took me a moment to examine what I saw and gasped. It was Gon?!!!!!!!!!! I could barely see him from where he was hiding, but I could see the tips of his spiked hair. The mermaid boy was curled up in a ball and shaking. The banging and yelling must be really scaring him...

So I began to tear up and screamed at the crowd behind me.

"Hey!!!!! Quiet down damn it!!! My friend is in there and you're scaring him!!! I won't hesitate to pummel any of you!!! So beat it!!!" I screamed loudly.

Everyone shivered and backed away from the tank to go somewhere else. Some children were stubborn, but I glared at them to make them go away.

I then gently set my hand onto the cold glass surface of the tank and sobbed.

"Gon can you hear me? It's me Leorio.. please come out everyone else is gone.." I say with more sniffs and tears coming out.

I saw Gon's scales twitch and he perked out from his hiding place. I smiled to see his eyes, but I lost that smile when I saw he only had one eye now. His left eye was gone, and there was just a huge gash there instead with dried blood. Oh god... someone hurt him bad!!! I won't let them get away with it god damnit!!

"Gon oh goodness are you ok?!" I sobbed and Gon began to cry too.

He quickly went out of his hiding spot and swam in front of where I stood. On the other side of the glass he set his shaking hand opposite of mine. I sniffed to prevent any snot coming out of my nose. And I looked down to see if he was injured any where else. And he was...

His entire tail was covered in scarred gashes, blank spots where his scales were torn off, and even huge chunks were taken out. I covered my mouth and stumbled a little on my footing. Who the hell would do this?!!!!!!!

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