ꇃꀍꁲꉣꂖꏹꋪ 61 / Finally Pt.2

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Killua pov

It's been hours. But instead it felt as if it's been days, weeks, years... I want to see Gon again. I miss him so much.. the smile on his face, his big brown eyes, everything about him was so amazing to me. His beautiful emerald green scales too, the way they shimmered in the ocean waves.

"Killua, we are going back out okay? Are you coming?" I heard Kurapika walk up beside me and I shrugged.

"What's the point... Gon is gone." I mumbled with a sniff. Some tears still streamed down my face though as I heard the crashing of waves fill my ears.

"Killua.. I know Gon meant everything to you.. but, there are more people out there whose lives are at risk. Please, we need your help." Leorio said and he walked up on the opposite side of kurapika.

I sighed and sniffed again. A breeze of cold air went against my face now as I looked up at the two of them.

"Fine. But why are we even going back? That weird ancient sea creature has it under control." I scoffed.

"We have to go make sure that this is really being taken care of. We need to check and see if this fight is over yet." Leorio once again spoke to me and sighed.

It took me some thinking before I decided to go with them. I mean, what else would I be doing anyway. I'd be waiting here.. on the beach. For my dead, boyfriend.

"Ok I'll come." I say and with that we all headed back out. Me and the other humans got the air bubbles over our heads again so we could swim down as well.

Once in the water, I still felt this empty space in my stomach. Is this what grieving feels like? I miss him, I want to see him again. And george.. where the hell did he take him? There's no way he'd be able to save him from that sort of damage. Before I did truly think that he'll be ok, but my mind has taken a hold of reality now.

After what felt like twenty minutes, we found ourselves back at the battlefield. It was silent. Nobody was in sight... is it over? Are we finally saved?

As we were looking around, Knuckle spotted something. So he called us over to check it out. Once we all gathered back together I felt my jaw drop.

In front of us, at the bottom of the small drop off, lay Meruems body. His limbs were torn apart, and bathing in clouds of blood. He was gone, finished for sure.

"What the... whatever that thing was, wasn't messing around with shit.." Knuckle said under his breathe due to surprise still lingering on his face.

"I wasn't, but I'd watch the tone there Knuckle"

The voice surprised us so we turned to see an old crippled mermaid swimming behind us. He had a tail that was similar to the one of the creature from before. This was one of the ancient species wasn't he?

"Who the hell are you? I mean thanks for ending a war before it even begun too far, but we aren't just going to trust some old beef pile." Biskey scowled at him and had everyone back up a bit.

"Oh no need to fret, my name is Netero. You can call me Grandpa Net if you want. Haven't socialized in decades, centuries." Netero said with a slight chuckle towards the end. He actually seemed like a decent person.

"Good to know you aren't some old grumpy ass, it's nice to meet you, I'm Killua." I say and bowed to him a little to show respect to the older being.

"It's nice to meet you too Killua, you are the one who is missing a little friend aren't you?" Netero said and I tensed up. He had no right to get in my business..

"It's none of your damn concern pops. So don't even start with that. Can I just go one minute without being reminded that my true love is dead?!" I scowled and shoved Netero back a little.

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