a thing

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"Like, what the heck is going on?" Mina asked a suddenly-appearing Shoto.
To those standing ground at the cabin, he had appeared out of nowhere, and somehow already knew Izuku's other friends.
"I don't even know where to begin." Shoto pinched his bridge. "We may or may not have a situation on our hands, Izuku seems to have been followed by- I don't know, his Agency, or the US government?"
  Multiple pairs of eyebrows raised and furrowed - except those from whom couldn't understand him at the moment. He glanced over at the Cali friends, sitting altogether separately at a table. One was apprehensive, one was bored, and the other was.. playing with a floating blob of water?
  ... "I don't even have enough energy to be surprised about that." Shoto nodded towards Liam.
  "Uuf, have the boys fill you in, I'm gonna rinse off quick."
Hanta had just gotten out and joined them, Denki and Hitoshi having showered already. When they settled and were updated, they got the message from Eijiro that Izuku was missing.
  Shoto's heart had dropped, not that this squad would have particularly noticed. He had to keep it together, he's already taken too long to check on Inko.. I can't go after him, I should do as I was tasked..
  "I need to take these three to his mom's and make sure she's okay. You guys should go home. This area should be fine now that they've.. gotten.." He struggled, despite himself.
  "Hey man, we can watch them for you if you want to go." Denki was surprisingly tactful.
  Hanta nodded, Hitoshi raised an eyebrow, and Mina had just rejoined them, "I don't know what we're doing, but I'm in."
  Shoto looked up hopeful. Would that be okay? He shook his head, "Thank you.. but I should follow this through. I'm sure Izuku will be fine, he's got Katsuki and Eijiro on his trail and I imagine you've all had enough of babysitting. Today was just supposed to be.. fun."
"Oh yeah, I'mma tease Katsuki for throwing the lamest parties." Mina said upside down. Her top half rested on the couch, her legs swinging up and over it.
"Your funeral. He was slaving away in the kitchen most of the day. Beats me why he was trying so hard for Izuku. Aren't they like, sworn enemies?" Denki pushed.
"That's old news, they're definitely like, a thing now. Bummer though, I was rooting for my horn buddy." Mina popped a gum bubble while scrolling on her phone.
Shoto meant to round up the boys but his steps faltered. Tsk. I shouldn't be here.
"A thing? What do you mean a thing? You read too much." Denki scrunched up his face.
"There is no such thing as 'too much' when it comes to reading." Mina countered, still scrolling.
"I've seen you with those yaoi mangas, you're a full on fujoshi!" Denki pointed a finger. "You're probably reading one of them right now!"
Mina twisted to sit up straight. "What's it to you? You should be happy to have support!" She pointed two fingers at her eyes then alternated pointing at his and Hitoshi's. I see you.
"On that note, we'll be on our way. It was.. nice catching up." Hitoshi dragged a riled up Denki behind.
  Hanta had been watching the scene while stuffing his face with popcorn. "Welp. I was left the keys, so you guys head on out and I'll lock up after I clean here.
Shoto tried to ignore the gossip as he asked Noah, Xander and Liam how they were doing. He let them know the plan as per Izuku's request, and that he'd explain what he could on the way.

"Is Izuku going to be okay?" Liam asked as soon as they got in the car.
Liam sat beside him and in the review he could see two matching worried faces. "I don't know who's got him or what they want, so I can't truthfully answer.. "
"Hey.. if it's because of us that you can't go help, we'll switch our flights." Xander offered.
Shoto let out a breath. "Let's see first how things are at his mom's. I'm sorry this wasn't the trip you guys had in mind.."
"Are you kidding?! It's been so cool!" Noah let out a bout of energy he must have been storing through now. "You know.. provided Izuku kicks ass and everyone's okay.." he quieted down.
"He can do more than kick ass." Shoto's features softened almost into a smile.. but the thought of something going on with Katsuki, and Katsuki being the one to find him.. kept him at bay.
They went into more theories and Shoto brought up meeting Ezra, amused with the three sour faces at the mention.
Then they arrived at Izuku's home.


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