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"I'm telling you, I'd never seen it do that before." Liam reiterated to a still dumbstruck Izuku.
  "It could be based off emotions.. you're as laid back as they come and that kid seemed eager to feel some feels." Xander pointed nonchalant.
  "What were you guys even talking about? We missed like, half the stuff at the end!" Noah could barely wait his turn.
Izuku thought on it, "I was avoiding answering somebody's question.." He made no effort to hide his exasperation towards Liam. "Not that it should've concerned anyone, anyway!"
"Excuse me," Ryusei popped in. "I just wanted to say it was nice to meet everyone. Katsuki is busy, so I'll see my way out. Happy birthday." He turned to Izuku's friends and switched to English, "Thank you and sorry." He offered for interrupting.
  Thank you and.. Izuku got goosebumps. Ryusei noticed and hesitated before turning away.
  "O-oh, yes, thank you, it was nice meeting you too." Izuku stared as Ryusei smiled and left.. only when he could blink again could he take in the empty table. "Feels? Like he was jealous?" He continued distractedly.
"They don't seem to be together. His roommate offered me Aki's contact info so I could stay in touch.. he's apparently leaving the country tomorrow."
Izuku whipped back, now fully in the present, just in time to get jostled back.



"D-don't Eiji me." Eijiro was shaken when he realized Katsuki was following. "What is it? What do you want?" his nerves spoke for him.
Katsuki gritted his teeth. "That guy.. he just has some sort of déjà vu quirk. That's all that was."
"What are you explaining for?"
"Why are you so worked up?" Katsuki countered.
"Because!" Eijiro capped his volume, looking around. They stood in front of the bathroom in the hallway. He could hear their friends still entertaining themselves off in the living room. "I was caught off guard, okay? I was wrong, what's some guy's joke have to do with me?"
Katsuki pushed him against the wall. "You're saying my words were a joke?"
Eijiro pushed him off. Well, tried to. Katsuki grabbed him by the wrist and brought him into his room.
  "You can move on so easily?" His voice barely heard, as he faced the door locking it.
Does he sound.. hurt? Eijiro stared at Katsuki's back in disbelief. Where does he get off?! "T-that's not fair, Kats." Now he took steps back to match each of Katsuki's, soon feeling the edge of the bed at his calves.
Katsuki had him sit, grabbing the hair at his nape to angle his face up.
Eijiro's eyes showed no sign of knowing what the hell was going on.. and then.. they matched Katsuki's fiery gaze.
  Showing some overdue back bone, he made to stand but Katsuki kept him seated. "What's with that look?"
  "Why are you messing with me? I haven't bothered you, have I? I'll leave now if that's what you want."
  "If that's what I want? What's with the submissive act? You think it's a cute look on you?"
Eijiro paused. Hah. With his eyes closed, he really concentrated on his breathing as to not get up and slap a bitch.
"You want to hit me? Do it." Katsuki stepped back, open arms as if inviting a hug.
"Let me ask you one thing. Don't.. what?"
"Please don't, just please, what?"
  Katsuki wavered. Eijiro shook his head in his hands, scoffing before standing up. It was Katsuki's turn to match his steps back.
  "Being submissive would suggest I just had to bare with it, the heartbreak, but here you are accusing me of moving on so easily." Another step forward. "So which one is it? Did I care too much or not enough?"
  Now Katsuki against the wall, he faced away struggling to answer. Their lips close, he was tempted to give in to the magnetism for no other reason than to avoid answering. No, I simply want to. ..How'd things end up like this?
Turning to face him, it had been so long since he had truly looked Eijiro in the eye. Now under this expecting glare.. Katsuki tilted ever so slightly forward to-



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