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"This place is really great, Kacchan." Izuku hung back with Katsuki as his Cali friends explored the landscape towards the lake.
  Katsuki observed the three and tried remembering the names to their faces. It wasn't long before he had decided he didn't like Liam. "They must be very close.. to fly out for you so soon after just seeing you off.."
  Izuku studied him. "Play nice, I owe them my sanity."
  With a raised eyebrow and a short scoff, Katsuki switched gears. "Who else is coming?"
  "Hah.." Izuku started.. feeling a sudden cold sweat.
  "You know I haven't kept in touch with any of the extras since graduation." There was the expected arrogance in that statement, but also a hint of something else..
  Eijiro was hardly ever 'an extra' to you.. a second wave of cold sweat hit. "Oh you know, it was so last-minute.. I'm not sure who'll actually be able to make it.."
  Katsuki narrowed his eyes. He's lying. "Well. Tell your friends that I'll have some food ready soon."
  "Ah, let me just change quick and plug my phone in to charge.. then I'll go fetch them. Is there anything I can help you with?" Izuku asked muffled while his shirt was half off. Popping his head out, he was surprised to find Katsuki up close.
  "Just this." He placed Izuku's hand on his crotch.
  "Kacchan.. we c-can't." A fierce blush crept in as Izuku looked anywhere but.
  Katsuki walked away. Before Izuku could believe his compliance or even sigh in relief, Katsuki had already returned.
"They're far off taking pictures and enjoying the lake." He said while lifting Izuku and sitting him on the table, spreading his legs around him. With one hand on Izuku's neck, thumb tracing his jaw line.. and the other at his waist, he pulled him close and kissed him hard.
  Izuku gave in momentarily before pushing him off. "That's not what I meant!" he said exasperated. When Katsuki just stared at him, he elaborated. "That's not all I meant.." His body betraying him.
  Katsuki couldn't help but try to eat him up. As soon as he bared his teeth, he was more forcibly sent back.
  "Are you insane?! I can't go out all swollen and marked up! A-and I thought we came to an understanding last time-"
  "Last time when?! When you just said what you wanted and disappeared?!" Katsuki caught himself mid yell and lowered his voice, frustrated.
"I didn't mean to disappear!" Izuku answered snappily, jumping off the table and looking for his charger. "I fell off! You were all caveman-yelling and I.. and then.. a-and not only that! When I came back to feed the cat, I got yelled at! Both of you are the ones that disappeared!"
Katsuki blinked while he processed this, about to laugh when-
Two heads snapped towards the entrance to see who had just meow'ed.
  "Midoriya, you're still letting this Neanderthal scare you?"


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