Chimichurri Churrasco

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    Katsuki, with one brow raised but an otherwise straight face, dragged the menu closer with one finger and looked down his nose at the options, "Chimichurri Churrasco." He recrossed his arms.
All walls came down when Eijiro's natural jovial self burst through with an ever-endearing laugh.
  "What's wrong with that?!" Katsuki asked, short of barking. Eijiro, wiping a tear with a lower knuckle, mocked, Chimichurri Churrasco, with furrowed brows and serious tone. His imitation was irritating but his laughter was soothing.
  Still skeptical about Eijiro's impulse salon day, Katsuki narrowed his eyes and smirked, throwing a balled-up straw wrapper and hitting Eijiro square in the chest. "You dork." And just like that, he was defused.
  The waitress returned with the appetizer and asked for main orders. Eijiro happily tore into the sampler while Katsuki ordered a strong drink. Eijiro, not really having a choice since this was his idea, ordered the same. I'll just nurse it slow.

  "This place isn't half bad." Katsuki dug into his second side and fourth drink. Eijiro juggled between impressed, skeptical, and 'Of Course' at how well Katsuki managed his liquor.
  "So, you're just here for the meat? You're not going to hit on any of those chicks that've been eyeing you up?" Katsuki asked.
  Eijiro, who by this point had to move on to a second drink, muttered, "Definitely here for the meat." Katsuki would've missed this if it hadn't been accompanied by a fierce blush.
  "So why'd you really go back to black?" He asked firmly, yet gentle.
  "Oh, you know what they say... once you go bl-"
  "If you finish that I am going to blast you."
  Eijiro, with a crooked smile, asked "Do you hate it?"
  Katsuki made a habit of immediately assessing people, but needed to take a moment to fully re-register Eijiro. He hadn't sounded vulnerable when he asked, but his flushed skin betrayed him along with small beads of sweat.. Can sweat be.. sexy? Katsuki shook the thought away. "I like you confident, whichever way that looks."
  Eijiro took in every bit of that slowly, jumping at the following change in tone.
  "But don't go making a habit of getting mouthy with me!"
Ah, loud Kats is back.
"..Though your little spiel was cute."
  Huh? Eijiro's ears went more red than his hair ever did. He needed to figure out how to cross this line, like, ASAP. But.. 'cute' did the crossing, didn't it?
  "How about you?" Eijiro asked, getting a grunt in response. He needed to elaborate.
  "Any of them catch your eye? They're looking at you more so than me." Eijiro nodded towards the bar while downing his third water. He was going to be present for this roll call.
  Katsuki looked away for a moment. Eijiro watched as his tongue worked cleaning the inside of his mouth as he worked on his reply.
  His tongue slid over his molars, poked the inside of his cheek, slid across the top front making him look like a chimp for the briefest of moments.
  Eijiro cautiously bit back a smile - he'd have to be much more careful with such movements, his teeth all shark-like and all.
"Maybe I'm not into chicks."
  Eijiro schooled his face, not eager to assume anything. He means, he's in to women. Maybe older women?
He said the only thing he could with confidence, "They're not my type, either." Eijiro looked down, twirling his fork trying to remember if he had even used it. He felt sticky all of a sudden, grabbing a napkin but knowing he needed water and soap.
He was procrastinating looking up. Welp. I crossed the line. RIP manly Red Riot, RIP renewing our lease. RIP our friendship. "I'm just gonna go wash my hands.." Eijiro stood but Katsuki gently stopped him by the hem.
  "Do you want to do it?"
  Before Eijiro could decide what to do with That, a red faced Katsuki counted some money and tossed it on the table. Eijiro quickly reached for his wallet but was too late.
  "I got it. Let's go."


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