Much bigger than this

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Eijiro left to his room and returned quickly with a bottle of lube.. and something else. Katsuki assumed he'd be prepping himself - then he felt his entrance thumbed.
"Oh no you don't!" He bolted up.
"Relax or you'll hurt yourself." Eijiro put a hand on his chest and firmly pushed him down.
"You're too tight." Eijiro kissed his jawline and down his neck as Katsuki felt something cold nudge its way in. He rolled over to pin Eijiro down, dildo hanging out. "Who the F*ck do you think you are?!"
Eijiro, unphased, reached down and twisted. Ahh! Katsuki squirmed, shrinking onto Eijiro's chest. "I said relax.." Eijiro continued to maneuver, "..Because I'm much bigger than this."
Katsuki's eyes altered focus between each stroke. This was a battle of tops.. he was not winning. Eijiro rolled out so he could stand, dragging Katsuki by folded legs to the edge of the bed. "Lift your ass."
  Katsuki kicked him away and with the movement the dildo pushed out. It was an unexpected pleasure, which Eijiro - who wasn't kicked hard or far away enough - took advantage of.
  Grabbing hold again, he kissed along the inside of strong thighs before centering himself and pushing in.
  Katsuki gritted his teeth as he instinctively sucked him in. Biting down on a knuckle, he looked away as a tear rolled down.
  Pissed, he looked back at the man who was so confidently delivering him the pleasure he had never imagined before. It hurts, but it feels good?
  Eijiro was living for the sight below. He wasn't going to show weakness, not before he made Katsuki his. After that, Katsuki could do whatever the hell he wanted with him.
  He leaned down for what would be his first proper kiss.. which Katsuki denied. Eijiro's heart stopped. Before he could spiral, Katsuki faced him, rolled his eyes, and reached up to pull him down.
The change in angle hit just right and he grunted into Eijiro's mouth.
  "Oh yeah?" Eijiro teased, abusing the spot.
Katsuki continued to kiss him, cautiously exploring his teeth and faint taste of his own cum. Grabbing black hair til they both reached their limit, Eijiro pulled out and came, mostly on the bed.
  "Fuck!" Eijiro tasted blood. He smirked as he looked down at an unapologetic Katsuki, "I really thought I'd be the one to bite you, I tried really hard not to.." He trailed soft kisses up the nook of Katsuki's neck. "So uh, how was it?"


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