Ride Me

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  As aware as Katsuki was of Izuku walking alongside him, All Might's words rang like a bad hangover.
  "They make the user feel good, while unbeknownst to them, suppressing their quirk at the same time."
  It's not all at once, so the user would promote it before realizing, before suspecting.
  And the head boss was actually a head scientist.. on scene to observe consecutive results for himself.
But as to why All Might was there-
  "Did you.. want to come over to mom's with me?"
  "..." Katsuki recognized the intersection they were passing through and stopped. "What.. do you want?"
  This consideration took Izuku by surprise. "It's just that.." he scratched his neck nervously, "The last time mom saw you, well.. she'll likely ask a lot of questions and I'd rather just get in and out of there quickly, so we can..!" he gulped and trailed off.
  Katsuki looked at him expectantly before sighing and helping him out. "I'm not gonna go home though.. I'll text you where I end up."
  "Oh.. 'kay..!" Izuku half waved awkwardly as he rushed off alone.
  Katsuki watched Izuku's form as he headed up the slight incline. If Katsuki turned here, he would get to his parents', but he would be missing an opportunity.

  Izuku managed to free himself from his mom soon after unpacking, and followed Katsuki's address to-
A motel? Izuku's cheeks reddened as he looked up the tall building.
  His phone pinged with Room 715.

  Before Izuku could knock, the room door swung open by a freshly showered Katsuki.
  *Gulp* "Hah.. why uh, why are we meeting in a place like this?" Izuku watched as Katsuki turned and shrugged. The movement causing beads of water to glide down his muscled back.
"I'm in between places after the case, so.."
"..W-why?" Izuku tore his eyes off, just to notice Katsuki's bags on the single king bed. He must've been living out of them for a while now.
"Why what?"
Izuku flinched, feeling Katsuki's breath on the back of his neck. "W-what happened with living with Eijiro?"
Katsuki didn't respond.. instead he swung Izuku around and lowered him onto the bed and swiped the bags to the floor.
Izuku bit down on his lip, not trusting himself to say more.
With Katsuki flush on top of him, red gaze fixed, he felt no choice but to look to his side.. exposing his neck.
"Shall we pick up where we left off?" Katsuki asked, trailing his nose up it to Izuku's ear, then biting down on the lobe.
Izuku's body shuddered underneath. "Wait! Let's t-talk first.."
Izuku's shirt was taken off and pants unbuckled before he attempted again - just to be quieted by Katsuki's lips.
Why.. why are his kisses.. so desperate?
  Katsuki slowed down, just to kneel back onto his heels and take in the view. He wanted to remember every moment, every inch.
  He planted gentle kisses all over, onto scars.. which one or two might've resulted from his own doing.
  Izuku felt an unspoken truth, apology, plea in every kiss. Under Katsuki's physical weight, he could feel years of a different kind of weight lift off him.
  He was so relaxed that when he felt two rough fingers find their way inside him, he hardly objected.
After a while of consistent slow strokes, he was about to beg for something more when Katsuki broke the silence.
  "Can I? Are you ready?"
  Izuku had been in a hooded daze, mostly only catching glimpses of blonde hair til now. When they made eye contact, he was brought back to this unbelievable reality.
Yes! Izuku's mind screamed, but instead, he sat up under Katsuki. Keeping eye contact, he crawled over him til they swapped positions.
  Izuku smirked when Katsuki's earnest expression had changed into something of a panic. Tentatively taking hold of Katsuki's length, he appreciated that it was excitingly intimidating.
  Lowering his mouth, he fit in as much as he could. Katsuki, who had done his best to act in kind til now, hesitated for only a moment before forcing Izuku's head down to his base. Ah, Fuck.
  He didn't want to cum yet, but it felt too good to stop. He repositioned to grab firm hold of Izuku's teary-eyed face, and fucked it. Fuck, fuck, yes!
Izuku choked and pushed back, getting cum shots on his face as well.
  Katsuki brought him into a hard kiss before he could object, "That was your doing, remember that I was being nice. Now bend over." He helped Izuku turn and grabbed his ass.
  Izuku settled on all fours as he tried to wipe his face. "I.. I don't like.."
  "What was that? I can't hear you." Katsuki sneered as he slipped his hands up onto Izuku's hips and rammed into him for the first time.
He at least had the decency to wait before moving. Wait.. and wait.. He was really appreciating the view. Izuku's back arched, quivering. The feeling of being sucked in, raw, warm and tight. Soft sounds, almost a whine.
  He pulled out agonizingly slow. Izuku was peeved but the pull out was so delicious that he immediately craved its return.
  He chanced looking at Katsuki, questioning.
  "Ride me."
  "At your pace, ride me."
  They repositioned, with the new position proving more intimate than they had anticipated. Both flushed, Izuku slowly lowered himself on.
  "..Feels good." They managed to say together, looking away from each other quickly.
  Izuku slowly began to grind in place, with moans that drove Katsuki wild. Their tongues found each other for an added zing to their senses.
  "I'm gonna-"
  "Shh, not yet." Katsuki was struggling to hold off as well. "There are so many ways I want to fuck you."
  Izuku blinked blankly.. and came. "Ah! It's because you, you said such-"
  Katsuki moved so quickly that the next thing Izuku saw was the ceiling, then Katsuki towering over him and dragging him to the edge of the bed by his folded legs.
  "But I just-!"
  Katsuki ignored him as he got in several brutal thrusts before relieving himself. "Fuck." was all he managed before collapsing.
  Right when Izuku felt Katsuki's heart calm down, Katsuki said something that sped up his own.
  "Let's celebrate your birthday at my cabin."

Under the shower, they kissed for what seemed like an hour before Katsuki pulled away to breathe.
  Izuku could've sworn he saw tears mixed in with the running water. He wiped his eyes to get a clearer look, just to feel Katsuki's forehead rest on his shoulder.
"Are you.. ok?"

  Katsuki ignored the question

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Katsuki ignored the question. Izuku started to get irked before feeling calloused hands run down his sides. He was lifted and backed into the shower wall, his ass held up in strong grip. "Kacchan!"
Katsuki pressed against him as he circled his hole with a finger. "Who else has been here?"
*Ba-dump* "D-don't ask such things.." Izuku bowed his head.
  Katsuki didn't know what he expected, but it wasn't that. He didn't want to press, as to not have the question deflected onto himself, but he couldn't help his temper.
  "Kacchan.. W-what-?" before Katsuki had realized, he had grabbed Izuku by the chin and squeezed hard, palm heating.
  Looking into wide eyes, he let go and took a step back, his own surprise quickly turning into a wicked grin. "Scared? If you were any more excited, you'd bust here on your own."
  Izuku, who had been rubbing the abused spot, rushed to hide his erection.
  The sight turned Katsuki on. He lightly cupped one cheek, kissing along a flushed jawline.. while taking Izuku's length in his other hand, rubbing it against his own.
  Izuku cowered, overly sensitive after all they had done already.
  Katsuki's hand slowly slid down to a delicate throat, followed by a short gasp. Katsuki had squeezed but not for long before he felt hot cum shooting onto him.
  With the pad of his thumb gliding in smooth circles over Izuku's throat, he claimed, "We're only each other's, now. Got it?"


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