So you're staying?

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Katsuki, completely done with electronic interruptions, kept one hand on Izuku as if he'd disappear if he didn't, and silenced the call with the other.
Never breaking eye contact, Katsuki brought his hand back up and gently cupped Izuku's face. To Katsuki, he was giving Izuku one last chance to resist.. to Izuku, it was as if Katsuki's eyes dared him to.
  "Kacchan.." Izuku called breathily, to which Katsuki responded with full-on lips. Izuku didn't hesitate to accept Katsuki's tongue swiping across then pushing in.
  The flexible warm wetness sparked a current that shot straight down through both of them the moment their tongues met.
  Izuku, not trusting where to put his hands, placed them lightly on Katsuki's shoulders. As their kiss deepened, his hands slid slowly down towards Katsuki's muscles, enjoying every inch til they hung at his wrists.
  Katsuki, still cupping Izuku's face, pulled back just enough for Izuku to feel him smile and catch his breath against him.
  "That tickles.." Izuku couldn't help but smile back, their sensitive and swollen lips barely touching.
  Katsuki gave him one last playful bite before stepping away. "So, you're staying?"
  Izuku, gathering his bearings, chanced the smallest glint of mischief, "I.. I'm going back to the states.." after watching a cocky grin fall, he added, "So I can move back properly."


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