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  "This game is rigged, we're all gonna get shit faced right away." Hanta accused after his turn to chug.
  "Well what'd you expect? Izuku said only one game!"
  After half a round of people slowly getting the hang of things, a sober Izuku stared at his full glass, knowing he'd have to down it in another few turns. Bleh.

  He perked up when Eijiro handed him two slips. Hah. Izuku stared at the words. "Who was your first kiss?" He moved on to the second slip.. "Who was your first lay?" Huh, from different people..
"Shh, shh, it's just now getting to the good stuff."
Eijiro crossed Denki and Hanta off after their comments. He'd be inclined to think they were both from Mina but her four questions were already out on the table. What good would an answer like this do for any of these new guys? Unless.. that's the strategy. "Why do we have to do two of these at the same time?"
Mina giggled, "To make it more complicated, duh!"
"The kiss.. it was Ryusei. Did I get the name right? You look smart, like you'd throw us all off on this side with a generic personal question. You're asking Katsuki because he's the only person you know."
Ryusei hadn't said much as to not make people unintentionally uncomfortable with his quirk. He took people by surprise when he smiled brightly.
"You've got half of that right, but you didn't follow through with your line of thought. If I'm throwing you off then I don't really care who answers it either. The question was actually for you."
Ryusei had been reading the signs based off his first encounter with Katsuki. After seeing Eijiro's hair he knew, It's him. I remind Katsuki of him. He gulped his shot, eyeing an uncomfortable Katsuki. And there's my answer.
Eijiro shrugged and slouched back.
"So?" Mina pushed.
"What? There's no penalty if I guess wrong for who it was for."
Hah. "You picked a question that was meant for you. You have to answer it or you're out."
"How do we even know he didn't make that up on the spot? You heard him, he doesn't care who answers!"
"I had picked you as a fellow red head." Ryusei offered brightly.
"Yeah sure well I'm not answering so I'm out."
Izuku stared at his folded hands, not wanting to look at Katsuki. "What if he gets the next slip right, Mina? What if he gets both parts right? Can he stay in then?"
Everyone looked at Izuku then at Mina. "Um. Sure, if he wants.."
Eijiro closed his eyes in his hands as he ran through the questions already asked and who was left. "Denki. Asking.. Katsuki." He sighed.
Pfft! "As IF! I like being alive!" Denki rolled about laughing.
"Gah! I thought for sure that only you would ask a question like that! And no one's asked him anything yet." Eijiro rolled a shoulder as if releasing stress.
Aki noticed Liam shake a bit. They had formed a quick camaraderie as obvious outcasts in this situation. Aki had also translated a bit for him. "Was that your question?" He whispered.
Liam gave a quick nod. "Even Izuku wouldn't have guessed me." They high-fived discreetly.
"Alright, alright, who asked who?" Mina looked back at the others after rubbing Eijiro's shoulders.
Liam half raised his hand. "Sorry dude."
Eijiro was completely over being on the spot but didn't hold a grudge. "Good strategy. Who question was for?"
Eijiro's easy smile dropped as everyone else got excited.
"The rules didn't say I couldn't ask you." Liam shrugged, suppressing a smile.
Izuku turned to Mina. "It's the end of this round anyway, let me just chug this!" His glass suddenly looked most appetizing.
"Nah bro, we want to know!" Mina squealed.
"I- uh.. a question like that isn't fair to the other person.. they aren't.. here.." He mumbled.
Aki stared at Eijiro staring at Katsuki staring at Izuku. Then all the drinks spilled over in a twister-like show over the table. Liam hopped away first, Xander and Noah following.
"Who's quirk is this?" Hitoshi asked.
Eyes landed on Aki and Ryusei by process of elimination.
"Not it." Ryusei put his hands up for show.
"What?! No, my quirk is-!" Aki looked back at Liam with sudden realization. Was he.. hiding this? "Ah.. I'm sorry everyone.. I still have trouble controlling.." he grabbed some turned over cups and got to wiping the table.. "Excuse me for leaving first.." and with a quick bow, he was off.


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