Quirks as we know them

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  The next couple of days went in an on switch/off switch sort of way for Eijiro. At work, he was at 110%. He couldn't afford to zone out, not right after clearing. While at the apartment, he was in a slow blur of packing and cleaning.
  He turned in the notice, so he definitely needed to be out.. but finding a place was proving difficult. Dammit, Kats. You were right, I don't want to leave.

  Midweek, he checked a listing after work that was just at the outskirts. It was shady and the guy showing him around had major creep vibes, checking him out as he looked through the rooms. At one point catching the guy's reflection, he hightailed it out of there.
  Sighing on the bus, he reoriented himself as to where to get off for dinner, having packed most of the kitchen stuff away already.
  Scrolling through his phone, he had the back-of-the-mind idea of seeing who would maybe want to room together or let him crash for a bit.
What is Hanta up to? He has an account but hasn't posted anything..
  What? Denki has a girlfriend?!
Mina? Out of town.. probably on a case. Of course she's on a case.
  ..Who's this?
  Eijiro had met up with Mina who pestered him into making a social account, to the point of grabbing his phone and making one for him - adding their friends. He'd barely look at it since.
  Sunset.. trees.. puddle..
  Shoto.. and his most recent pic.. is Izuku. He's silhouetted from the sun but that's definitely him, his hair and stance.
  They're in California? Together? Is Izuku not moving here? He did say he wasn't back for long.. but Shoto said he was staying.. What the heck?
  Are they-?
Eijiro had to re-evaluate his read on his 'break up'. Did Izuku not have anything to do with it?


Overlooking a narrow alley, a suited up Katsuki observed an exchange below. The dialogue suggested the client was unaware he was dealing with the gang head himself.
  Why would the head of a gang act as one of his own goons?
As the client walked away, he tried catching what his actual men were calling him.. but 'sir' and 'boss' weren't helping.
Some stealthy acrobatics later, he was down the side of the building and at ground level, around the corner. All he heard was "Not now, we're being followed." before letting out a low growl and ducking out.
  Their next exchange is tomorrow, I better check in on that idiot client in the meantime..


After a friendly taco dinner, Izuku and his friends hugged out their potential last goodbyes. Izuku said he'd try to make time again before he actually left, but 'Just in case'.
Walking back hand in hand, Shoto started, "Your friends were un phased about my appearance or our relationship.."
Izuku gently squeezed his hand in his, "I told you, they're good people. As far as us both being guys.. well, that's more accepted here in general. Not so much in every state, but..
  It's weird, things will seemingly be fine for years at a time, then election season comes around, old topics come up again, and it all goes to shit [again]." Izuku said matter of fact, while ridding his toes of sand.
Shoto tried to remember if Izuku had ever used the word 'shit' like this before, "I imagine it's always hard.."
Izuku thought about it, "Do you think it'll be hard for us back home?"
It was admittedly a bit jarring for Shoto to hear 'us' so easily from Izuku. They got comfortable too quickly and this made him wary.. Izuku hasn't actually told him his feelings, so much as accepted his coexistence in his routine.
"Our friends don't care.. I don't care, unless you care.." He offered.
Izuku let the non-answer go, "Well, thank you for being great with my friends today. I know you're not.. happy with me."
  Not knowing where he actually stood with Izuku, he didn't know how much he was allowed to outwardly feel just yet.
He considered Liam's take on Ezra, but he couldn't shake off the fact that Izuku didn't need to let him shove his tongue in and all around.. not after they've.. they've.. [gone further]. He made himself angry again.
  Izuku felt the change in aura. "Soo.. I got more info on that case.. I'd be starting tomorrow night.."
  Shoto let go of his hand and stopped walking. Does he think I'm too stupid to keep up if he just changes topics quickly?
Izuku felt something like a cold sweat in response to Shoto's lack of expression.. "Er- I mean, you haven't figured out your flight back yet, maybe you want it for tomorrow or the next day or I don't care if you're here while I'm not, I mean.."
"Tell me about the case." Shoto put a stop to his rambling. Izuku hesitated with a gulp before starting slowly..
  "I probably shouldn't say much, but.. it's interesting. It's been so quiet here since everything is covered up and outside of the public eye..
  And now there's some evidence of hospitals administering drugs to newborns, removing quirks before they could ever even manifest. And I don't think the hospitals even know that they're doing it, it may be hidden in a vaccine or..
  And there's this institute that quietly houses those with quirks.. It turns out that they all had something in common, they skipped being born in a hospital anywhere in the state.
They were either born at home or in odd places like, their mom couldn't make it to the hospital in time.. some were left at the doorstep of adoption agencies.. and some had snuck across the border..
Basically, anyone in Cali having skipped being born in a hospital, might still manifest.
  There's no collective memory of their families having abilities, they wouldn't know what would've been passed down.. and the quirks that do make it through are watered down.
  This is huge!" He whispered/yelled suddenly, "Why they would want me to 'do this one last thing, quick..'" He mocks air quotes, "It's beyond me. Like, if this is some heavy government conspiracy thing, how do I know about it? Let alone have a job here?
  When people happen to see quirks in action, they attribute it to some other phenomenon. Quirks as we know them, don't exist here."

  They arrived at the apartment and Shoto tried to digest Izuku's 'not say much' recap. But what about people who moved to the state for school.. or work? If it was even half true, he didn't want Izuku hanging around any longer to find out.
  He wanted to put a comforting hand on his shoulder, but it didn't help that he was getting worked up again thinking about Ezra slithering his way around the apartment. It had felt welcome to him, warm.. and now it feels distant and cold.
  "Izuku. In what capacity was Ezra a coworker?"
  "What? Oh, that's-"


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