He'd marry him right now

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  "Are you sure you want to be on a plane again so soon? Sitting.. I mean..?" Shoto asked as he looked at flights on his laptop. He had already packed and Izuku was browsing his fridge to make lunch of whatever might go bad within the week.
  "Mom's right, the sooner I go the sooner I'm back and we can all relax." Izuku shifted as he felt the soreness Shoto alluded to. "Sitting though.. uuf."
  Shoto became aroused at Izuku's first acknowledgment of their previous night. He hopped up and kissed Izuku's neck as he worked over the stove. Izuku had barely turned the stove off when Shoto scooped him up.
  "Wuah! We don't have time!" Izuku pounded Shoto's back. Shoto laughed at the weak hits. He laid him down and kissed him all over while feeling under his shirt. "I want more.." Shoto pushed out his bottom lip, pouting.
  Izuku crossed his arms, sulking. He wanted to be annoyed that the food was getting cold and that he'd be even more uncomfortable on the plane.. when Shoto licked along his length. Mmm.. Dammit.
  "Can I?" Shoto asked after lowering his pants. He stroked himself and the sight was just so delicious that Izuku forgot about the actual food on the counter. Nodding, he relaxed as Shoto pushed in.
  Kissing and moving slowly, Shoto was so overcome with happiness that he wanted to ask for them to date seriously, tell him that he loved him, that he wanted everything, a future with him. He'd marry him right there and then if he'd let him.
  Izuku could see how genuinely happy Shoto was. He wanted to be as confident in all this as he was, but Katsuki's message nagged at him. Should I respond before I leave?
  Shoto continued to move slowly, keeping himself from blurting out his thoughts. He was gliding easily, Izuku was relaxed around him but his face didn't match. "Are you ok?"
  He felt Izuku tighten, sucking him in. Izuku nodded and hugged him around the neck, bringing him in close. Using Izuku's moans as guidance, he altered speed until they both could cum.

  They showered and ate and headed to the airport.

  Shoto meant to give Izuku an emotional break, let him get some much needed rest and leave him to his thoughts..
  Izuku was.. chatty.
  They watched a couple of movies and made small talk of pop culture references. Izuku mentioned visiting the places All Might's moves were named after.. and that he had liked California the best.
  He learned to surf and enjoyed the fad foods there. Açaí bowls were da bomb. [Izuku! You can't say bomb on a plane!]
  People were the nicest in 'Cali', and he had tried a certain type of gummy that had made him feel real good.
  Izuku caught himself, he didn't want to over share what some of the people he'd met would get into.. and he was a hero after all.
  He picked a third movie he had already watched, and was asleep before the title screen. Shoto brushed his hair to the side and kissed him on the forehead. Pfft, he tired himself out.

  "Izuku, look." Shoto nudged him lightly to see the beaches below. Groggy, Izuku perked up at the sight of palm trees. "This is my favorite part!" Izuku took his phone out to take a photo through the window.
  "Izuku.. can we take one together?" Both embarrassed, Izuku took one (let's be real, he took several before he liked how he looked,) and shared it. Shoto demanded the 'bad' ones too.
  Izuku sent one to his mom as proof they had gotten there safely. Shoto was surprised.. he wasn't sure how Izuku would be about others seeing them so close. He tested reaching out for his hand as they walked towards the taxis. Hand in hand, they continued walking. Did he not notice? Shoto smiled at the natural act.
  Then he did.. notice. Oh! Hah.. he apologetically slipped his hand out, glad to have the excuse of waving down a taxi.
  "I'm not too far from here.. to Sunset Cliffs, please." he informed Shoto and the driver.

  Shoto noticed how it was sunny but not humid. "I could get used to this."
  Izuku reminded, "That's not the plan.. but while you're here, we'll get you on a surf board and if we're lucky maybe see some of the bioluminescence..
  Here we are."
  Shoto shook off the thought of being on a board and whatever bio- whatever was.. to take in Izuku's apartment. It was built into a cliff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. "You've got me beat.. by a landslide.."
  Hah, Izuku laughed nervously. "Let's hope there won't be any landslides around here."
  With a bit of a side smile, Shoto followed him in. "Doesn't seem like it rains much.."
  "No.. but people here don't joke about the ground shaking.. hah"
  Shoto found the bathroom when they got in. Izuku looked around and noticed some things out of place. He had left a mess while packing whatever he could of value, and cursed when he remembered who had a copy of his key.
  "Everything alright?" Shoto came out.
  "Oh, yeah. Let me just clean some of this up.."

  "Are you tired? There's a cave on the beach I'd like to show you. It's a bit of a hike, but it'd be a fantastic first night for you here.
  You might get bored later while I'm at work.. though there's plenty to do! Hikes.. electric scooters.. disc golf.." Izuku fell into one of his mumblings and Shoto pulled him into a hug.
  "I don't know what half of that is but I'm ready when you are."
  Izuku relaxed into the hug, then felt uneasy when he spotted a lighter behind Shoto. He recognized its design and hoped he wouldn't have any unexpected visitors while Shoto was there.
  "Let's get some sunblock on you, with your pale complexion, you'll definitely.." Izuku pulled back with a teasing smile, faltering immediately.. "burn.." Wow, I'm an idiot.
  Unphased, Shoto smiled mischievously. "Okay, lather me up."

  With a lathered Shoto in tow, Izuku led them to the first order of business.. street tacos.


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