Hold Me Tonight?

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The view really was amazing. The building was close enough to still identify different local hot spots yet far enough to appreciate the skyline lit up - and not feel its busyness below.
"This is really great!" Izuku admired as he got comfortable in a chair and started his tea. Leaning over the rail, Shoto looked back at him and agreed.
"Would you really trade this for the woods?" Izuku asked him, in wonder. "How did-?" Shoto started but recalled Katsuki had already been in touch. "I haven't really looked into it.."
Izuku, who caught himself late but was over it, remembered Katsuki's pending message. He looked at his phone, 'We have to talk' was all it said.
Izuku froze but his mind raced. Did he change his mind? Because I'm a guy? ..or because I'm me? Did Eijiro confess? Were they already together? Was this all just a joke? He scrubbed his face.
  Shoto, who had been watching, started to head back in.. turning back just enough to lightly squeeze Izuku's shoulder, "Let's get you tucked in."
Izuku moved slowly but followed again, but heading to the couch.
  "I'll take the couch," Shoto called over, while rinsing his mug. Izuku, who had just placed his mug on the side table, doubled back to grab it.
"I can't put you out at your own place." Izuku said, reaching him at the sink. He rested his head on Shoto's back and snaked his arm through Shoto's elbow gap to add his mug to the sink.
  Keeping his composure, Shoto offered once again, "It could be our place. There's one bed now, but we can fit another. There are storage units in the basement for whatever doesn't fit here.." He gestured to the open living space.
"You can see work from here.." He placed the mug on the drying rack. "Of course, I'll have to teach you how to get there by car.." He turned as he teased, Izuku's drowsy head now on his chest.
Gently side stepping, he headed to the couch and grabbed the pillow to fluff it up, "You could always take the bus.." He grabbed the blanket and laid down.
"Temperature control," He continued to list off pros, then laughed as he added, "Though I can warm you up... and keep you cool." He rolled facing the back of the couch, feet hanging off before tucking them in.
  Izuku, who watched this progression from sink to roll-up, kneeled on the floor near Shoto's head. "Shoto.." Shoto turned and was surprised by how close they were. Both flushed but kept their position.
  Izuku's eyes glistened just the slightest but it was enough to alarm him, causing him to fumble out of his burrito and join him on the floor.
  He kneeled in front and finally touched him. He placed a cool hand on his face, spreading his thumb across his cheek. "What happened?" He asked, voice tender, full of worry.
  Izuku leaned into Shoto's hand and said he wasn't sure he could stay. Said he didn't feel like he belonged anywhere. He doesn't want to return to the states, but his friends here have moved on to their own adult lives and he feels like an outsider..
  Shoto brought him into a hug. Izuku melted into him. "Izuku.. you've lived here all but one year, how could you intrude on your own life? This is all yours still.. I'm still yours." He'd cover with 'your friend*' if he had to, but he had to shoot his shot.
  Izuku leaned back to see Shoto's face and Shoto countered, leaning in so their foreheads would touch.
When Izuku didn't move away, Shoto began to ask his lips, "Would it be ok if I.. may I.." Izuku's tongue darted across in readiness. Shoto followed it with his eyes then chased with his mouth.
  They joined lips fervently and hands went everywhere. Shoto meant to be gentle, not wanting to push his luck, while Izuku unleashed all of his pent up angst.
  It felt so complicated with Kacchan earlier.. and this feels.. easy. He was too tired to question whether that was good or ba- *Moan*
  Shoto tentatively felt Izuku's abs under the borrowed shirt and trailed up his smooth chest, gliding the pad of his thumb over a hardening nipple.
  Izuku slipped the shirt off and out of the way quickly, as to not interrupt their intertwined tongues for any longer than he had to.
Shoto was leaning forward on his knees with one hand supporting him and the other stopped, hovering. Izuku leaned back, sitting in a W, thighs spread and now shirtless.
  "Izuku.." Shoto asked, vulnerable, "Is this okay?" Izuku remained silent, unwilling to question this just yet.
  "I really want this," Shoto continued, voice raising, "I have for so long! I missed you so much that it hurt, it physically hurt.." He fisted a hand over his chest. "You left a hole that I felt everyday for a year.. and you.. you didn't even say goodbye." The last word was barely a whisper.
  Izuku suddenly felt the weight of exhaustion as he watched Shoto shift his weight back. He crawled over to lay his head on his lap.. balled up to make himself as small as he felt.
  They stayed like that for a few moments. Shoto kept his hands to his sides. He saw a mark on Izuku's neck, which got a rise out of him but he kept it to himself.
"I'm sorry I didn't say goodbye. I'm sorry I ever left at all. I'm sorry I didn't know.." Izuku trailed off as he reached for the shirt to put back on. "Could we maybe.. do you mind if we just.. Would you just hold me tonight?"
Shoto considered this for a moment before he stood up and offered Izuku his hand. They got in bed together and Izuku rolled into him managing one last I'm sorry before falling into exhaustion.
  Shoto pulled him in and kissed his forehead. "I don't know what troubles you're running from, there or here, but I'll listen when you're ready."


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