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  Once Izuku had gathered himself, he returned to where his mother had risen from her seat, hand over her heart.
  "Katsuki left without a word, I thought you guys were on better terms?" Inko inquired.
  "I'm sorry mom, Mitsuki."
  "That boy with a temper? Are we supposed to be surprised?" Actually, it feels nostalgic nowadays, Mitsuki reconsidered thoughtfully.
  "I should go after him. Mitsuki - could you please get mom home?" He bowed, hands pleading.
"Of course, kid."
"Thank you!" Enveloping Inko into a tight hug, "Oh and um, I'm moving back.. so uh, happy birthday!" He said quickly before turning to pay the bill - effectively avoiding her reaction.
There, I can't have ruined her birthday with news like that, right? I looked up after counting - WRONG, she looks even more worried about me now.
I kissed her temple and promised to explain later.
"Sorry! Thank you!" Izuku waved as he rushed through the two front doors. Once out, he stood his ground and closed his eyes trying to get into Katsuki's head.
He was a little familiar with the area and had an idea on where Katsuki would go with Eijiro. I'm sure there's a park on the way there.
Green eyes opened, determined.


  "You didn't have to drive me.." Eijiro hiccuped, though he was mostly back to his senses and feeling incredibly embarrassed and disappointed in himself.
  "I don't.. know what to say for myself.. back there.."
  "I had to return Iz- I just.. I had to return something around here anyway, and I don't know what you're talking about." Shoto added reassuringly.
  "Did you want to leave your bag with me? So you're not lugging it around while trying to 'party'?" not that I've been trustworthy with bags today, Shoto grimaced.
  He turned to Eijiro to find that he was visibly upset.
  "Are you-?"
  "I just feel so stupid!" Eijiro blurted out, eyes wet.
  I literally have no idea what is going on, Shoto thought.
  "I just, I was going to confess tonight and I- I was.. I'm just so PATHETIC!" Eijiro added, palming one eye while wiping the other with the back of a clenched hand.
  Okay. "Let's.. let's be careful doing that," he gently removed the clenched hand, "Lest we scar your other eye." Eijiro, taking in that Shoto knew about his scar, focused on his breathing to calm down.
"Listen. I'm sure they will still be happy to hear from you tonight. Anyone can see that you've put effort into this.. and.. I'm sorry I teased you earlier."
Though Shoto was only sorry that Eijiro might be taken soon.. he might've been looking forward to teasing him some more.
  He was resigning that Izuku was never going to take the bait, but before he could feel too bad for himself Eijiro offered an honest Thank you which made his chest clench for a different reason.
Noticing the street they were on, Eijiro added, "Anywhere here is fine, we're close." Shoto found a spot in front of a park and texted out a quick message.


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