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  Izuku landed on his feet, bewildered, but fine. He looked up and figured Katsuki hadn't seen the mishap, which he supposed he felt grateful for.
  "Oh, sorry.." he bent down and scratched behind the stray's ears. Looking around, he spotted a corner store and thought it might carry cat food. "I'll be right back."
  Moments later with canned tuna in hand, he couldn't find the cat anywhere. "Did you pick it all up?!" A grouchy old voice startled him from behind.


  Eijiro slept in, mildly confused when he woke up in his new room.. sunlit and bare. He laughed as he remembered Aki's embarrassment. I don't think he completely acknowledges yet that he swings this way.
  He started to unpack, finding a note when he made it out into the common area.
Headed to the library to return some materials, make yourself at home.. there's lunch in the fridge.
  He was still tired as he ate, and choked when he remembered asking Aki if he needed help with his uh.. hardening. Aki's eyes had grown wide and he angrily huffed and puffed towards the bathroom. He didn't see him the rest of the night before falling asleep. Pfft.

  A couple days went by and Aki and Eijiro had eased off the teasing and excitement. Once that died down, they easily enjoyed chatting and preparing meals together. Aki would be leaving soon and they were both respectively excited to live abroad and on their own.
  Receiving an unexpected text, Eijiro asked if Aki would be free the next day.


Shoto had been busy with work since his return, he already had two impromptu rescues which were handled swiftly and easily. He was finishing up on patrol when he received a call from Izuku.
"Uh, hi, Shoto.. um, I was wondering if you could connect me with Momo.. or any of our other classmates.. I have a few numbers but I think some of them have changed since.."
Shoto remained quiet as he let Izuku fumble his way through his request. This is the first thing he calls for? "Are you back?"
"Oh, yes.."
His birthday is tomorrow.. "I'll send you the numbers I have."
"T-thank you.. um, if you're free-"
"Happy birthday in advance, I have to go now." he cut off the call.
I can't see him so casually this next time.. Acting like nothing has happened.. he rubbed his temples. Judging himself for forwarding contacts anyway.

  "Are you going?" Momo sent a text soon after.
  "I'm not sure.." Shoto responded, though he had no intention to go, he didn't want to influence Momo's decision.
  "I might not be able to make it out there but I'll be in town tomorrow if you want to catch up?"
  Out there? "Sounds good."
  Shoto long suspected that Momo knew his feelings towards Izuku, as he has known her feelings for Kyoka. It'll be nice to talk to her..

  "I'll be on my way shortly." He was rounding out his next morning patrol and meeting Momo for a coffee break.
  "Bummer, it's a nice day to spend at a lake,"
"..but I've still got business in town. Maybe I'll make it up to him with coffee over the weekend. It'll be nice to catch up and ask about the states." Momo caught Shoto mid eye roll. "I think he's more interested in seeing Ochako and Tenya anyway.." She continued to poke. When Shoto didn't give her anything to work with, she cut straight to her point. "Have you seen him yet?"
  Shoto exhaled and gave her a brief recap of what he's found out since Izuku's last visit. Without outing him or their relationship developments, he stuck to how he was more or less done with the states after some conspiracy had weighed him down.
  "Do you really think there are areas in the world that are 'forgetting' about quirks?"
  "I don't know what's what anymore, I'm just glad he'll be safe here, even if it's not-" he caught himself a few words too late, and 'finished' with a gulp of his drink instead.
  "You've always cared for him most. I hope he knows that." Momo gathered her things as she stood. Placing one hand on his shoulder, "I'll see if my family or Agency have anything on this so called conspiracy. Try to go see him today if you can."


  "Coming!" Katsuki had just finished chopping up vegetables for kabobs. He washed his hands and headed towards the door. Three unfamiliar faces greeted him before he heard "Hey, Kacchan.."


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