Dig in

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A tired and dark purple haired man came in with a bag of drinks, an electric blonde trailing close behind.
"Shinso.. Kaminari." Izuku found his friendly voice again, albeit cracked.
"Hey man! Long time no see!" Kaminari came up to him with a hug.
Katsuki glared daggers at Shinso as he came up to him with the bag. With a hand patting one shoulder, Shinso got close and 'reassured' him that "No worries, I didn't hear much of your guys' lovers' quarrel."
Katsuki bit his tongue.
"What? Not even a thank you for the drinks?" Shinso teased as he waved off back to the others.
"Happy Birthday. How have you been?"
"Thank-! .. you.." Izuku's voice was bright then small.
Shinso chuckled.
"I trust you.." Izuku said matter of factly.
Shinso was caught off guard. With a small genuine smile, he pulled Izuku into a quick side hug as well, ruffling his hair.
Katsuki could be heard angrily chopping vegetables in the kitchen.
"Oh! I have friends from California here, too.. They somehow don't know that quirks are a thing.. so uh.. maybe don't freak them out?" Izuku looked pointedly in Kaminari's direction.
Shinso furrowed his brows. First, he noted appreciation that the warning wasn't aimed in his direction, but, "How-?"
Izuku sighed. "It's a long story.."
"But how do you even get here from the airport without notic-"
Everyone looked over in unison.
"Oh. Hello everyone."
Noah and Xander bowed then continued in English.
"We meant to wait for you but we saw a couple cars drive up."
"Sorry, I meant to come out sooner but I uh.. was helping prepare food.." Izuku scrambled to get his shirt back on.
Liam appeared in the back doorway. "I'm dripping, so I'll stay out here."
"Oh, I've got towels!" Izuku, in his nerves from Katsuki then Shinso and now fibbing, missed all the eyes on him and the tall and tan, wet and half-naked foreigner he was now clumsily patting dry.
"I've got this.." Liam gently steadied Izuku's hand, "Are you okay? he asked seriously.
"Y-yes, sorry." Izuku's ears went red as he noticed and stepped back.
  Noah and Xander exchanged looks, which were then met with Liam's.
"Your English sounds so cute!" Denki teased.
Hah.. Izuku rubbed the back of his neck. "Um.. they noticed a second car.. did you guys not drive together?"
"We did. We were followed for a bit, we thought it was someone else coming here but they kept going on after we pulled in." Shinso answered.
Kaminari added, "We're flatmates now.. so coming together just made sense.." he trailed off.. with a blush?
  "A brainwasher with a brain dead?" Katsuki came out with food, almost missing the flash of concern across Izuku's face. "Dig in.."


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