Want Me

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A couple rooms down, Katsuki laid restless. He had been rolled out to visit Izuku earlier but he had had enough of needing others and wheel chairs. He got himself untangled and headed toward Izuku in the dead of night.

 He got himself untangled and headed toward Izuku in the dead of night

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"Nerd. That's enough. It's been long enough. Wake up already."
  What he didn't know was that Izuku had already awoken earlier, and had felt him come in.
  "I'm sorry. For everything, since always. C'mon now, after everything we've been through, after everything you've been through.. you're really going to give up after a tumble in an elevator? Are you really nothing without this quirk?!" He had raised his voice but it had betrayed him, cracking as he choked up.
  Izuku debated sitting up or just listening in. It was hard pretending to stay asleep, but when else would he hear his Kacchan like this? I really am selfish..
  Katsuki had pushed down on the hospital bed with both arms, propping himself up - just to double over in pain. Fuck!
  Izuku squeezed his eyes shut, he felt bad but didn't want to be tempted to look at him just yet.
  "Why did you give me hope..? How could you even care for me at all..?"
  Izuku could barely hear him, but his heart ached all the same.
  "You just did what you wanted, decided on your own and left. Then you come back and- and.." He didn't finish but didn't have to. "Just to push me towards Eijiro. What's the big idea, huh?"
  Katsuki gathered himself and swung over to sit. "You have no idea what we went through.. and Eijiro got the worst of it. He protected me, while I was going crazy looking for you! How am I supposed to even look him in the eye?!"
  Katsuki rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand. "..I can tell you don't want me. At least, not anymore. You think I like seeing your face of pity? It just makes me want to- " His voice had gotten rougher.
  Izuku felt the mattress sink with Katsuki's weight towards him and almost gave himself away when his face was tightly cupped. What are you doing to a sick person?!
  His question was answered when chapped lips brushed against his.
  "Wake up and kiss me, damn it!"
  He gave in. Hooded eyes looked up at ones in surprise.
  "How long..?"
  Izuku looked up guiltily.
  Hah. Katsuki ran a hand up his face and through his hair. "I don't want to see that face."
  "Right. That's why you're here like this on top of me." Izuku responded before thinking. Ah.. I didn't mean it like that..
  Katsuki looked at him disapprovingly until sighing, "I'm glad you're okay."
  "Thank you for that." Izuku paused before going on.. "I saw your arms before.. I wrecked the freezer motor but I was worried it was too late.. Did you wake up with Eijiro?"
  Katsuki looked at him curiously. "I.. He was carrying me out when I came-to. We were following that weasel guy, who was doing some kind of mind reading shit with every goon on the way. He's more of a fighter than he looks." He spat out, hating to admit it.
  "That's.. surprising." Izuku said, rubbing the back of his neck.
  "What was he to you? I thought he was on their side, but he was as out of his mind as the rest of us to get to you. Well, not more than that damn Half and Half bastard, how did he know.. he shot ice up the shaft, then went flying up the stairs-" Katsuki looked at Izuku carefully, needing to ask but not wanting to know the answer.
  "Ezra has been on my side since I met him. ..and Shoto has always been there." Izuku said this, facing down.
  "..There's really no room left for me, is there?"
  Izuku was surprised at the question, and took a moment before responding. "You will always have room.. just.. a different kind.. a special kind of.. Listen, I regret leaving the way I did. I'm sorry. I never would have imagined that you.. with me.." he teared up.
  "Shh.." Katsuki comforted him. He got close again, wiping off tears and going in again for a kiss. A soft and tender one.
  Shit.. I know I shouldn't.. but.. Katsuki kissed him down his neck, unbuttoning the hospital top.
  "K-Kacchan.." Izuku's breath was labored.
  "Are you hurting?" Katsuki pulled back. "Your injuries.."
  "Well, no.." but he still looked hurt.
  "Don't look at me like that. Just.. just want me one last time. Let me do this right." Want me.


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