Who Are These Guys?

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  I'm an idiot.. Izuku pulled down on his cheeks. That's not why I called, but it's what came out of my mouth?!
  Embarrassment and guilt piled on heavy as shared contacts ping'ed through one by one.
  He sent off quick messages and plopped down on his childhood bed, wishing he could just go back to simpler times. Hah.. how far back would that have to be?
  Attempting to escape into one of those life-procrastinating naps, messages began to buzz in. This is embarrassing too, but the more people, the less awkward, right? He peeked at his screen and the last message caught his full attention. Oh! There's no going back now.


  Eijiro didn't want to think too hard as to why Izuku was inviting him to Katsuki's place. It's just a great spot for a birthday.. a class reunion.. ..
  He had decided what's done is done and that he'd move on as if nothing had happened.. That's what's best for everyone. I won't lose any friendships over this. I'll tough it out for one night, luckily, with Aki there for support.

  Aki could sense some relative source of turmoil shrouded around the extended invite, even if Eijiro was keen on acting otherwise.
  I've been stressed getting everything ready for the trip, that I should take advantage and let loose.. and I'd feel better leaving him [at home] if I can help stem off any stress..


  Killing time with a mindless phone game, Shoto ignored the banner notifications appearing across the top of his screen.
  Don't do it. Don't open them.
  The banners came with small thumbnails hinting at a friend's day at a lake. He chanted to himself not to investigate further.
Damn it, Momo.
A text came through with a photo he had managed to dodge til then.
Who are these guys? She inquired.
.. Can you forward me the address?


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