Sense of Loss

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  Izuku arrived and taxied straight to the nearest motel. Exhausted, he wanted to be alone and let his mind at ease.
He had been too nervous to relax during the flight, and had taken up an aisle seat.. unable to distract himself with the window.
  Instead, he looked through old messages with Ezra, recalling odd moments they had shared.. the quirk he suspected made more sense the more he thought about it.
  After everything, he felt a weird sense of loss, of a person he had seen who was different than the one he was shown. Missing the potential of the one while relieved to have escaped the other - mixed in with guilt of being a hero who opted to escape it all, twice.

  Too tired to stand in the shower, Izuku filled the tub and carefully got in. Resting his eyes, his mind followed suit until.. He was running, running away from someone, running towards someone, who? Who's hand am I reaching for?
  He slowly opened his eyes and stared quietly at his pruned toes. The water had long lost its heat. He stood and turned on the shower, quickly scrubbing properly so he could rinse, dry, and crawl under the covers.
After shooting off a text and setting an alarm, he fell into a slightly more comfortable sleep.

Morning came and Katsuki awoke with the sun. The living room got plenty of natural light so he was unable to fall back asleep.
While contemplating leaving, he heard a sudden slam which had him off the couch and on the floor before he knew it.
Eijiro, not used to his door being closed, walked straight into it while intending to head to the bathroom.
Recovering from this unexpected break in early-morning routine, he groggily resumed his path to relief.
"Stupid.. door.. stupid.. Kats.." was all Katsuki caught of his muttering.
All of a sudden he didn't know what do with himself. Before he could decide to hop into his room, he heard the flush and opted to roll into the couch, pretending to sleep.
Eijiro splashed water on his face, pausing as he remembered all of the day before. He cringed slightly before letting out a sigh. I just need to start fresh.
  That's what he thought, before stepping out and zeroing in on Katsuki's broad shoulders.
  Why am I tested, so? He took just a moment to watch Katsuki before attempting to slip back into his room.
Growl his stomach betrayed.
Katsuki stretched and suppressed a smile before suggesting, "Let's go get you fed."


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