Play nice

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  The seconds it took for Hisoka to return his cell phone into his pocket - felt like an instant eternity for Izuku.
  His heart slowed, as endless thoughts flooded in. Him? Different colored eyes swirled in his mind, lips that smiled and frowned, kissed..
  Drowning in dread, he didn't realize he was holding his breath until a body was tossed into the room.. and it was all he could feel escaping him. No!
  Bloodied and exhausted, red eyes barely gleamed before their owner passed out. It gave Izuku a sickening feeling, as they hadn't shone out of excitement or warmth.. but from simply reflecting the cold and sterile room.
  He widened his stance, quickly calculating the distance to his target and through the door. There are no windows.. are we underground?
  As if to answer Don't even think about it, Hisoka pulled out what resembled a gun with a needle at its end, aiming it without hesitation. "Unless you want your friend here to lose their quirk forever, I suggest you play nice."


  Waking up besides a rented car, a bruised face blinked slowly into the sun. Ezra chuckled dryly at the familiar circumstance. Straightening up, he wiped off old blood and recalled how he was left behind.. supposing he oughta thank Katsuki for knocking him out.
  Whether by calculated strategy or pure hatred, his being left on the ground kept him off the teleporter's radar - when he came back to collect collateral. I was dead weight..
  He got up and gritted his teeth through the drive back to the house. He had stalked the area most of that morning, which now seemed so long ago.
  He was met with Hanta at the door, keys in one hand, trash in the other.
  "Can.. I help you?"


  "That's all I know, sir." Shoto had made call after call to get people updated and in place. He now sat at a table topped with both street food and home cooking, seated by a worried mother and three matching faces with absolutely no appetite.
  "I understand." The other voice on the line could be heard through the quiet room. Shoto would receive coverage here soon, so he could join in on the rescue with a clear conscience.
  "Thank you, sir." Shoto hung up and sighed, before standing to survey out a window. "I don't think anyone here will be targeted, but we'll play it safe.. and I'll go make sure we get Izuku back."


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