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  "How have things been around here?" Izuku asked as he took in the city sights and new builds.
"It's actually a lot quieter since our UA days. How was it in the states?"
Izuku shifted slightly, "It was.. I should just say it already, I don't think I'm going back. I didn't mean to come home so soon but mom is always worried about me and the truth is I miss Ka... catching up with everyone.."
  Shoto kept his expression neutral.
By contrast Izuku was openly admiring the tall apartment buildings as they drove by, "I suppose I'll be looking for an apartment around here soon, are you still living with-"
"Do you really think I'm still living anywhere near my father?"
"..." Izuku's face fell.
"I have a place to myself and you should stay with me." Shoto offered without hesitation.
"Wuah?! No, that's ok! I can stay with my mom!"
"Sorry, what an irrational conclusion, you escaping over to me-y place" Shoto's my from his me slip sounded like me-eye.
Izuku was too busy fumbling himself to notice the fail and save.
"I'm not-! Well I wouldn't.. I mean, when you put it that way.."

Izuku's nervous eyes relaxed again at the ping, like a Pavlov dog Shoto thought, mid eye roll.

  Kacchan: We're free around 5 or 6.

"Oh, right! I have to make a reservation soon, Shoto where's nice around here? Mom doesn't even know I'm home yet, I need to make sure she's free! and I'd like to pick up some flowers.."
Shoto was feeling a little used but happy to be of use. He projected coolness but internally was working all the ways to get Izuku to stay over.. where there's only one bed..
He pulled his car up by a cozy family-owned restaurant, the only one in the sea of chains in the area.
"Mom will love this! I'll just run in quick, thank you!"
Izuku paced by the entrance, finally deciding to check-in.
"I was wondering when you were going to fill me in, I just received an interesting call from Mitsuki."
"Aw, mom! I've been trying to figure out how to juggle tonight - all week!" Izuku groaned.
"Silly, my mom-sense was tingling since this morning anyway. So when's the reservation for?"
"Well um," Izuku starts as he goes inside and waits for the hostess, "Excuse me, is there a table available at 5?"
"Welcome, one moment please.. for how many guests?"
Izuku jumped in his skin, almost dropping his phone. It wasn't the hostess confirming, but Shoto behind him who was questioning this detail.
"Oh, would you like to join us for dinner?" Izuku felt obligated to ask on the spot.
Shoto read his face, "No.. sorry to interrupt. I'll be outside."
Izuku fumbled through the rest of his reservation and managed a table for 6p. His mom was going to relay this to Mitsuki and by extension, Katsuki. Mitsuki is going to pick her up so Izuku won't have to rush there and back.
Feeling grateful for that part of the plan coming together, and deciding never to surprise-plan again, Izuku walked out to find Shoto - who was slightly breathless, holding out an elegant bouquet of the prettiest flowers he had ever seen.


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