Still Yours

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  Home. Izuku stepped out of Shoto's car, stretching. Together they walked up to the apartment he had grown up in, which felt so distant to him now. 'Still yours' an all too observant Shoto had reminded him.
  Feeling better, Izuku knocked for what felt like the first time ever, since he had his key. Inko wasn't expecting Shoto, so it afforded her some time to finger comb her hair at the door.
  Izuku hugged her quickly and rolled his overall apology into a quick and dirty "Sorry, last night got away from me.."
  Shoto winked at him causing a panicked shh face before Inko turned back around with tea and treats. Uninterested in their antics, she began her line of questioning despite Shoto's being there.
  "So. What happened in California that you're coming back so suddenly?" Izuku choked on his drink. Welp. "N-nothing happened. I just missed home." Inko side-hugged him, burying him into her chest, which Shoto found cautiously amusing.
  "That's sweet, sweetie, but I don't believe you." She ruffled his hair and stepped back. Shoto was enjoying her 'momness'. She eyed him before censoring her next question, "Is there anything you have to resolve still?"
  Izuku avoided their gaze, "I do have to go back, there's a flight later tonight I'm looking at, it's expensive since it's a holiday weekend in the states, but it's a non-stop - so it could be worth it.."
  When Inko stared at him expecting more, he added, "I wasn't sure about moving back here but I know I want to wrap things up there.." He felt like a broken record.
  "You just cleared all your certifications there, will they transfer over or?" She pressed. Izuku didn't want to show he was annoyed, so joke-asked if she didn't want him to come back, "I don't have to move back into here," He motioned around, "I can stay with Shoto."
  Shoto lowered his head scratching at his nape, he did not want to be on Inko's bad side. He couldn't help how he felt a flip in his lower belly though.
"You know well that that's not what I meant." Inko retorted disapprovingly. "I just want to know what happened that you're potentially throwing away all your progress there just so you wouldn't have to deal with.. whatever. That's not the son I know."
  Izuku carefully got up to go to his room. He was done and wanted to get his hands on his luggage. He wasn't expecting to feel even guiltier when he opened his door to all his All Might memorabilia staring back at him.
  He sat on his bed and let out a frustrated sigh. Remembering the leftover moving boxes he had stored under the bed, he grabbed one and started clearing out all the tops of dresser, night stands, shelves and desk.
  Feeling a little more mentally clear, he opened his luggage to take out what he would need for just the week back and consolidated it into his dufflebag.
  Noticing Shoto's bag and remembering something in there for him, he slowly opened it up to find a hefty photo album. Sitting on his bed again, he paged through to find photos he had never seen before. Some were from UA, and some seemed more recent.
  A gentle knock later, and Shoto joined him by way of leaning on the doorframe. With a knowing look, he offered a small smile.
"These are.. amazing. How'd you get these?" Izuku rotated the album, eyeing a horizontal photo placed in a vertical slot. Shoto was sitting behind him on a UA bus, subtle smile in his direction. His chest tightened.
  Shoto came in and sat next to him. "I met Momo for lunch a couple of times over the year. We were reminiscing and she showed me photos that her and the other girls had taken. When I asked for copies, she made them right then and there."
  Izuku smiled, picturing it. "Have you kept in contact often?" He flipped the page.
  "Not really, we're all spread out and have kept busy. It was complete luck that we even saw Kirishima yesterday."
  Izuku pondered this until he noticed a newsletter clipping of their first year cultural festival. He lit up, "I remember you were the one that got us all to agree to the band performance! Even Kacchan was drum..ming.." His excitement died off.
  "Do you guys keep in touch?" Shoto asked, looking away so Izuku wouldn't feel overly pressured. Izuku's gut told him there wasn't much point in denying it.
  "..Not til recently." He paged back to where the newer photos were and held it up as if to ask 'What's with these?'
  Shoto chewed the inside of this lip before answering, "Just some seasonal additions to show you how the last year has been. They're just sort of scenic, I don't know."
  Izuku went through them appreciatively. "They're fantastic. I missed the cherry blossoms.. though I did see them in DC.." He looked closer at where Shoto had photographed the sidewalk. He had aimed down from his point of view, capturing the tips of his shoes and a partial facial reflection in a puddle, mostly his scar. One cherry blossom petal floated where Shoto's ear reflected, he could imagine it as if it were tucked behind it.
  "This is.. wow." Izuku looked up in awe, reaching to tuck Shoto's hair behind his ear, where the petal would've been. "How'd you come up with this?"
  Shoto paused at the touch and question before giving in to them. "These were all moments in which I.. missed you. You inspired me."
They blushed in unison. Izuku leaned in to kiss him softly. "You are.. everything."
Foreheads pressed together, Izuku closed the album and took a deep breath. "Let me go clear things up with mom, I'll be right back."

  Shoto was ecstatic to be left in Izuku's childhood room, though you'd never know it with his straight face. He spotted a box and took out what he knew to be Izuku's favorite All Might figurine. Placing it on the night stand with the album, he gathered Izuku's newly packed luggage, much lighter this time around, and waited for Izuku to return.

  "Mom.." Izuku began, Inko looked up from where she was on the sofa.
  "Izuku, as always, I have to just wait here and trust that you are doing the right thing - in one piece. I'm not.. upset.. I just, I want to make sure I ask the right questions so that you're thinking straight and are sure you're doing the right thi-"
  "Make sure I'm thinking? Really mom?"
She returned his smirk, "Yes. Spiraling as you may, it might be in the wrong feels."
Izuku's eyebrow shot up at her wording. Who is teaching her this stuff?
  She continued, "It's your first time truly on your own and in such a different place. If you're sure you gave it enough time, after stepping away and taking this bit of a break.. then great, welcome back."
  Rubbing the back of his neck he looked away and then back again. "Thanks, mom." He dropped beside her, resting his head on her lap. He noticed she was watching an American series, a teenage drama, and smiled at her efforts.
Combing through his hair she said, "Take that flight tonight. The sooner you leave, the sooner you'll be back I can breath easy.. and go get that poor Endeavor's kid out of your All Might room."
Pfft, "Mom!" Izuku laughed/cringed on the way to his room.
  "Ready?" he asked as he opened his room door, eyes landing on the resurfaced figurine.
"Yeah. Um.. I just heard back from work and I'm cleared for a few days.. if you still want me to go.." Shoto fidgeted as he stood up.
  "Let's go tonight!"


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