You must've felt.. lonely

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There had been a bit of a reprieve after passing their year probation periods.. affording them some Fridays off until their agencies rotated them into new cases.
Katsuki however, cursed the extended weekend as he got ready to go in to the office. Ready to blow off some steam, he gave his phone one last glance, at ease that Eijiro hadn't sent him anything.. and annoyed that Izuku still hadn't.
"Hey, good news, bud." An extra patted Katsuki's shoulder. Katsuki, resisting blowing off the guy's hand, turned towards the voice. "What's that?"
Katsuki was more than ready for a case, it'd be his first solo one and it'd take him off the grid a few days. "Alright, where to?"

  He ended up going to the apartment early, and not knowing exactly how long he'd be out of town for, he decided it'd be better to pack now and mark off the 'No' box for Eijiro to turn in. If Eijiro changed his mind about the apartment, he could always call in instead.
  Katsuki grabbed the last box and stood in the entryway. Giving the place a last once over, he remembered to leave his key. Digging for it and fumbling to get it off its ring, he slammed it on the counter next to the notice.
  In place, he looked to his left where Eijiro's door was always open. Looked at the bed where they had last really talked. But had they really?
  Giving one last grunt to it all, he picked up his stuff again and headed to his dad's borrowed truck. He'd store his things in his old room 'til he was able to move to the cabin.

  Eijiro came back after a long day and hadn't immediately noticed the exact kind of absence. They had been avoiding each other and that much had already felt normal.
  He was so tired from over thinking that he showered in a daze, and when he went to brush his teeth, he froze. There was only one toothbrush. Maybe he just hasn't set out a new one yet..
  Then he found the notice and the key. He looked up and around. They didn't have much in the common area anyways; most of the kitchen and bathroom things were his picks, so they were left behind.
  Gulping at Katsuki's door, he debated knocking. His door was always closed.. Maybe he's leaving in the morning.. He opened the door slowly and his heart sank quickly.


  "What about this?" Shoto asked about a formal looking paper as he helped Izuku pack. Izuku was puffy as he hadn't slept well, and was preparing coffee for a late start at work.
  "Hmm, I suppose I could save it. That's the six month cert and I have the one-year back at home, so I didn't think I'd need it?"
  Shoto raised an eyebrow and placed it aside. He then folded his favorite tees that Izuku attempted to leave behind.
  Izuku hugged Shoto from the side, "Don't worry about whatever doesn't fit, I packed enough the first time around and I can donate the rest."
  Shoto held up a small tee to his chest, which made it look even smaller. "Does this even fit you?"
  Izuku laughed and said he'd gotten it as a souvenir from a race.
  "Was it a quirkless race?"
  Izuku considered this for a moment, "Well, it wasn't called that, but there were no quirks involved. Missions here are more.. undercover. Quirks aren't flaunted around, or covered by the news.. The quirkless I know here don't even know the truth about me."
  Shoto frowned. "You must've felt.. lonely."
  Izuku bit his lip. It felt weird to have Shoto here, a bit of his old world in with the new. He looked out the sliding doors across the ocean. There was really just water between both of his realities, yet it was hard to reconcile that they could both coexist.
  Izuku's alarm went off and he set out, he wasn't on any new cases so he just had to wrap up paperwork and any loose ends and request a proper meeting with the head of his agency.
Shoto condensed anything he thought Izuku might still want down into two carry-ons, one he'd take for him when he flies out and the other with some room for Izuku his dailies once he was ready.
After rearranging furniture and housewares into donation piles, he cleaned everything he could til he ran out of product. He set out to get cleaning supplies and some lunch.. not knowing that someone had watched him leave and gone up to the door, key in hand.


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