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Now that there was a plan and others' efforts were involved, Eijiro finished packing in earnest.
  With several boxes and a duffel bag stuffed with dailies, he could focus on cleaning as per their lease agreement. If Kats thinks he's getting his half of this deposit back, he's got another thing coming.

  Eijiro set out for an early dinner and researched moving truck quotes and local affordable hotels.
When his food arrived, he pouted at the small portion. It was his attempt to alleviate both his wallet and diet since he's been eating out so frequently now. But I want more meat *sob*
  He distracted himself with giving his social media app another browse. Specifically, he looked for Shoto's recent activity. Oh, he's back.
  There was a photo posted a few hours ago of the descending view through the plane window. I should see if he would want to meet up.. I could find out more..
He did some quick math, if he got here around lunch today.. then he left early yesterday, Cali-time.
  I wonder if he took the rest of the week off or if he has to work tomorrow. That would blow, to have to work one day after vaca and before the weekend.
He schemed a little more.. He's gotta be tired after the flight, but.. I haven't visibly been active on this app, so I can get away with not knowing..
Immediately feeling guilty, he sent:
Hey man, I'm nearby.. Was wondering if I could stop by?
Eijiro's heart raced. If he's with Izuku now, that's my answer, isn't it?
Todoroki: What took you so long?

Shoto's vision was.. a little impaired. He stumbled to answer the call and rubbed his eyes as he fumbled his phone and recovered it - though upside down. "Zuku?" He slurred, his mouth facing away from the mic. Eijiro didn't catch it in his confusion.
The pause only caused a belligerent Shoto to demand, "Well c'mon, 'ready!" The following sound of shattered glass made Eijiro scan his surroundings.. Wtf?
After a moment of not being heard, as Shoto didn't have his ear to the speaker, Eijiro hung up and opted to just hurry to Shoto's place. I hope he's not in trouble..
When Eijiro reached the building, he texted again. Buzz me in. After a short wait, the main door clicked and he finally had a chance to slow down in the elevator.
Scenarios blew past in his mind but he couldn't prepare himself for the waft of alcohol that hit him upon the opening of the apartment door.
"Why-?" Shoto began but the movement to the door had made him dizzy.
  "Oi, hold on.. Ok, let's sit you down.." Eijiro placed a forearm under each armpit and meant to drag him to the couch.
Shoto didn't object but didn't help, either. They didn't make it farther than the bed before collapsing. Eijiro shot right the hell back up. Nope, not that tired old trope!
Eijiro took in Shoto's appearance. Well, a shower would be dangerous right now.. "Here, use this." He handed him a dampened face towel and began looking for clean clothes.
  Shoto wasn't making any sense, mumbling about tan fireworks and surfing conspiracies.. but at least he was cooperative with freshening up and changing.
"Your shirt is on backwards." Eijiro, who had purposefully looked away while Shoto first changed, got an impromptu abs show the second time around. That was.. that was nice.
  Shoto finally stayed put after having some water and laying down. Tired out, Eijiro sat beside him. "Oi. What's the matter with you?"
He wiped his forehead with the back of his hand. "Why is it so hot in here when you have and are an A/C? Are you trying to burn the place down? Is that why you drank all that American alcohol first? Can you breath fire now?!"
Shoto rolled away and took a while to mutter, "Too many questions."
  Taking a beat with wavering intentions, Eijiro tested the waters with, "Where's Midoriya?"
Shoto laughed bitterly. With Ezra. Or Liam. Or with the other two with the other weird names..
Eijiro softened. He didn't like seeing Shoto hurting like this. He was going to rub his back and ask What happened? when Shoto quietly added, "I'm a fool."
A long stretch of silence went by and Eijiro wondered if he had fallen asleep. He jumped a little when Shoto spoke again.
"How did your confession go?" It was Eijiro's turn to laugh. Shoto turned over at this. Eijiro gave him a sad smile, admitting "I'm a fool, too."
Really looking at each other and being able to share such feelings and words, made Shoto want to feel him closer. I want to.. make him feel wanted..
Pulling Eijiro down towards him, he whispered "They're the fools." Before landing an intoxicating kiss.
Eijiro froze until all red flags turned white in surrender. Slightly opening his mouth, he was surprised at how confidently Shoto darted his tongue in and around his mouth.
Coming up for air, Eijiro panted, "Is this *hah* okay?"
  Shoto thought the word okay was so trivial.
Eijiro continued, "You should rest, do you work tomorrow? I put some pain relievers on th-"
Shoto didn't let him finish. He cupped Eijiro's face, placing his thumb on swollen lips then slid his hand back into styled hair.
"Oh, it's still soft." Shoto didn't realize it wasn't his quirk that held it up in his usual way, but gel. "Even with gel, it's soft."
Eijiro briefly considered some hidden analogy or metaphor, given his quirk. Shaking his head, he asked "Are you going to be alright?" Then placed his hand over the one in his hair.
Shoto looked into concerned eyes and couldn't remember the last time someone had truly been worried about him.
"Depends, are you using me too?"
Eijiro gulped. "Define.. using."
Shoto's eyes flashed suddenly, "Why are you here?" his voice was low but ringed loud in Eijiro's head.
"Ah, that's-" Eijiro had to quickly come up with a cover, "I was just nearby and wondered if I could ask to borrow your car.. I need to move boxes, you see. They're going to be stored til I find a new place!"
Shoto took in Eijiro's nerves. Rolling away, he took a moment to answer, "That's fine."
Eijiro exhaled. This isn't manly at all.
"Thanks.. I'll uh, text you about it later.." He said as he got up and started to clean.
Shoto rested his eyes but could visualize Eijiro moving around picking up clothes, towel, bottles, and.. broken glass.
He meant to say something to the effect of 'Don't worry about that', but couldn't bring himself to say it. He liked someone caring about him and his place. He thought, This is nice.
Eijiro stood by the bed and looked around. Satisfied, he took a last glance at Shoto who seemed to be fine, then headed towards the door. Before he reached the light switch, a gentle but firm tug stopped him.


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