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"Uh, no.. That's alright." Eijiro managed. Just, no.. He hovered awkwardly in his doorway, looking down at scrunched toes.
Katsuki slowly swung his legs over to sit upright. "Oh.. 'kay. I'll uh, I'll be going, then." He rubbed his neck, eyes shut for no other reason than not knowing where to look.
As he stood to gather his things, he noticed something in a half-packed box. A picture frame faced down. He knew it was of them together, a picture he took with a toothily-grinned Eiji.
"I can ask for the truck again, if it helps.." He offered, grasping at straws.
Eijiro clenched his fists. Guilt started to creep in, and with that, anger. He went to Shoto for help. Went to Shoto and.. with him..
No. I was left to find another way. How I chose is nobody's business. I'm not going to feel bad about -any- of it.
Katsuki watched as Eijiro took a decisive step back, closing his door.. again.
Eijiro slid down the back and held his head in his hands. Damn it.
Katsuki dropped his stuff and went up to the door. He wanted to burst through and make things right.. to get Eijiro to smile again.. but it wasn't time to beg yet, he still couldn't be sure..
There was something he had to do, something he needed to check. He may not be worth him after that.. Giving false hope would just be.. cruel.
He about hit the door in frustration before he caught himself.
He hadn't been ready to question his sexuality.. or to be confessed to by a guy.. Let alone his best friend, arguably, his only friend.
And to get one from his rival just before, no, right after.. no..
Izuku came out of no where, teasing with a treat he had never imagined craving. He knew right then, that he'd be able to reciprocate. I went running to you, didn't I? Eiji?
I didn't expect that when I saw you sitting alone in the restaurant.. missing the waitresses swooning over you, or those dumb chicks at the bar making googly eyes.. that I'd storm in, I'd zero in on you.
I'm selfish.
He opened the front door just to slam it. It did little in terms of relief. Then he heard a click behind him..
Eijiro, thinking Katsuki had left, poked his head out of his room. Wiping his face as he came out, he froze when he realized he wasn't alone.
Katsuki took a step forward then hesitated. In another moment, he had swiftly embraced him. Eijiro remained stiff. After a while, Katsuki retreated just enough so they could see each other.
The short distance between their faces was magnetic. With matching caution, Katsuki sighed and rested his head on a stiff shoulder. "Please don't.." He started, unable to rightfully finish.
Be sad? Hate me? "Just, please.."
Eijiro's range of emotions wavered as his hands hovered over slumped shoulders. He wanted to ask What is it that you want? ..but he could only let him off the hook. "Listen-"
Katsuki's phone rang. He would've ignored it but he had to check which phone it was in case it was about his reports. When he saw his work phone was blank, he shoved it away to look back at Eijiro.
"You should get that.." Eijiro began.
"No, it's not work, so.."
  Die! He looked at his personal phone when it rang again. Oh..
Eijiro crossed his arms. "I have stuff I need to do, so if you're done here.."
Fuck.. Katsuki stood awkwardly. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
He looked at Eijiro with pleading eyes.
Katsuki closed the short gap between them, firm grasp on the back of Eijiro's neck, angling their foreheads together. Unable to promise anything, he let out a Gah! then grabbed his stuff to leave.
Picking his things up aggressively, he hoped this gave what little solace he could afford.
Eijiro, stood confused, felt where Katsuki had held him on the neck.. it burned.


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