for-sure ambidextrous

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"Sick collection, bro." Eijiro appraised the makeshift minibar in Shoto's efficiency.
  "Besides this," Eijiro gestured towards the bookcase shelves full of colorful and shapely bottles, "This is pretty much your dorm room, uprooted and planted here." Smiling at the otherwise familiar decor, he reminisced on forgotten days of contests past.
"Oh?" Shoto responded distractedly, "Well, help yourself.. bathroom is behind you.."
  Eijiro scrunched his brows when he found it ahead and to his side. He caught bits of 'I just..' and 'find something..' as Shoto backtracked back through the front door.
Thankss.. Eijiro spun on his heel. Left alone, he quickly found that Shoto didn't own a single shot glass in sight. Okaay.. He settled for a tea cup and tried to measure out what he thought a shot's worth would be.
  He slung back two gulps of different liquors he had never seen or heard of before. Just a bit of liquid courage for later, he psyched himself up, but Uuf, those were rough.

He was delighted to find that Shoto did however own a shower cap. Salon magic goes to shit the second you wash it, everybody knows that.
  Eijiro was bobbing to some tune only he could hear, while inspecting Shoto's choice of shower products. Ooh, this one smells nice..
He lathered shower gel onto his growing member and took pleasure in its build up.. and quick release. It had been a while since he had self-serviced, and he felt instant guilt for doing it in someone else's shower.
Especially Shoto's.. though he must have touched himself here as well. Maybe he put his left hand on this spot of the wall, and with his right.. No, with his quirk, he's for-sure ambidextrous. Uuf, wonder if he's ever activated his quirks while.. *Shudder*
Eijiro tried showering off his dirty thoughts, but ended up giving in. Arching his back, he leaned into his left forearm, circling his entrance with one, then two, fingers before sucking them in.

  Glad for the second and much more satisfying release, he stood weak-kneed in thickening steam.. contemplating his exact degree of guilt. He stood up straight when he felt water drip along the underside of the cap's elastic. Crap.
Finished, he hopped out and noticed there wasn't a guest towel. "Oi, I need a towel in here!" He heard the main door click. He poked his head out, covering his crotch with just his shirt from earlier.
"Oi, towel?"
Completely forgetting he had company, Shoto let two peculiar items escape his juggled grasp. Brand new and discreet in style, plug and vibrator bounced and rolled towards Eijiro's feet.
Shoto scanned where they had landed, up a chiseled wet mess, to a .. My shower cap?
Eijiro had widened his stance to avoid the objects, seeming to recognize their use right after. This piqued Shoto's interest.
  After swiftly returning the items to the bag, Shoto stood up slowly to tower over reddening cheeks. Studying Eijiro, he carefully removed the cap and dug his hand into recolored black hair. Pfft, more like Emo Riot.. cute.
Eijiro seemed frozen to the spot, though the alcohol and the hot shower, among other things, had left him feeling dizzy. He hadn't eaten much either, in anticipation for dinner.
  Eijiro couldn't help but stare at all the colors from Shoto's neck up. He gently traced Shoto's scar, something he had always inexplicably wanted to do.
  Shoto was a little on guard at first, his eyes following the path of the trace, then locked up with Eijiro's.
  Eijiro's eyes softened as they trailed down to Shoto's lips. He lightly pressed at a corner. Shoto parted ever so slightly, and in response, Eijiro-
  "He was right, it is soft." Shoto broke the trance, grabbing a fistful of hair.
It took Eijiro a second to understand, and along with the slight tug, he sobered up quite a bit. He looked over Shoto's shoulder and read 19:30 on the clock.
  ..the hell am I doing?
Shoto sniffed discreetly and pulled back, "I received most of this liquor from my father's office. American partners leave these ostentatious gifts - not understanding or caring that as on-call heroes here, we don't always have the luxury of testing our limits.. Don't feel bad that you have a low tolerance to bourbon and.." He leaned in for another whiff, "Everclear. Wow, you really went all in for it, huh?"
Eijiro simply blinked, wishing he was clear at all.
  Shoto added, "I'll get you a bottled water, you're dehydrated."
  "..." This was a lot for Eijiro to take in.
"Eijiro," Shoto handed him the water and a towel, "You're still naked.."
Eijiro grabbed the towel gratefully, though he had long completely air dried, and backed up 'til he could close the door in front of him.
Once he came out ready, awkwardly folding his street clothes into the store bag, Shoto grabbed his keys and noted, 'Good, the white one. Let's go.'


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