Mad that you liked it

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Katsuki grabbed Eijiro's face with an open hand and pushed it away, "Don't make that stupid face."
  Eijiro, amused, wiped Katsuki's abdomen. "Are you mad that I topped or mad that you liked it?"
Katsuki, about to lose it, was pinned down again and hugged by the waist before he knew it.
"Listen," The mood turned. "..I don't know what prompted this, but you have to know that I like you." Eijiro said in a steady voice, feeling Katsuki tense beneath him.
"I will be whatever you need and want me to be, I don't ever want to be far from you. I don't ever want to lose your respect, your friendship. I don't ever want to lose.. you." His voice cracked and Katsuki felt moisture between them.
"You don't have to look down on me for looking up to you. If you don't want me.." There was a pause before he could continue. "I'll figure out a way to take it, so just don't.. don't-"
  Katsuki tapped on the now messy head. Eijiro went quiet but didn't look up. Tap. "Eiji." Eijiro shook his head no, which just meant a wet cheek sloshed in and off Katsuki's stomach.
"Let me see you." Katsuki asked gently yet firmly. Eijiro slowly lifted and was stopped when he attempted to wipe his face.
Taking in that face, Katsuki brought him in for a soft kiss. He was learning all types today, apparently. Wet, with probably more than salty tears, he wanted to give Eijiro some kind of reassurance that he didn't think any less of him.
"Kats.." Eijiro pulled back, red. "Tell me what's going on in your head.."
Thumbing off a stray tear, Katsuki answered honestly, "That I really want a shower."


  What a d*ck.
  Eijiro was alone and confused sitting on Katsuki's bed when he heard the shower start. He grabbed a tissue and wiped off his mess from the bed, then looked in the closet for a fresh set.
  "Are you joining me or not?" Katsuki was heard from the shower.
  Dumbstruck by the invite, Eijiro stumbled out tripping on a hoodie. Gathering clothes to add to the laundry along with the sheets, he noticed a crumpled-up handwritten letter. "Coming!" His gut drew him to read it.
Shocked, he placed it back exactly how he found it, and headed to the bathroom. The hell was I supposed to be? Target practice? Fuming, he joined Katsuki and stopped in his stomps when he found him with a finger up his-
  After staring at each other for a moment too long, Eijiro decidedly pushed forward and grabbed the shower gel, getting close into Katsuki's space. Taking a hold of him, he started to rub up and down and start a lather.
  When Katsuki was hard, Eijiro turned and arched. I'm right here then, he resented. He inserted one finger, working it slowly til he fit in the second.
  It felt like a parallel universe compared to when he had done this just hours earlier. Brushing wet hair out of his eyes, he mumbled "I'm ready for you."
  He placed both hands on the shower wall. Katsuki picked up on the odd tone. Not quite understanding its meaning, he turned the water off and spun Eijiro around.
  Eyes locked, he found Eijiro's tongue with his own. He thumbed hard nipples with alternating pressure before raking down just as equally hard sides til he was down on his knees.
Ahh.. Eijiro mentally recorded the view but felt embarrassed, doubling over under Katsuki's sloppy grip. He closed his eyes to focus on the wet and warm tongue, not wanting to discourage his efforts - lest he be discouraged of ever trying again.
  Well, maybe he won't. I'm just practice anyway. Izuku came back and he's is going to move out with him. I bet he saw him today, I bet that's why he was la-
  Katsuki took a page out of his book and worked him from the inside as well. Moving Eijiro's leg to balance off the edge of the tub, he gained a better position. He curled his finger around, reading him. I don't know where his mind was.. but it wasn't here.
Eijiro looked down at Katsuki, who was staring up at him, mouth full of him.
  Whatever, he was only too happy to give-in in this battle. Shuddering and grasping whatever he could of Katsuki's head, hair and ears, he barely heard him say "Now you're ready." As he wiped pearly white off of his face.
  Turning the water back on as he stood up, he asked him for that ass. Eijiro, pink in the face, took heed and lifted.
  Angels sung in mind and soul as his insides sucked in every delicious inch of Katsuki's Bakugou's length. That's it, he's ruined dildos for me, forever, Eijiro thought begrudgingly.
  Katsuki moved his grip from shoulders to waist and found a rhythm that seemed to feel good for both of them.
  He'd never done more than a good ole fashioned handy before tonight, so it was all too much too quickly for him to discern how he felt about it all.
  Eijiro tried to straighten up, wanting Katsuki's tongue. Katsuki adjusted to him, pinching his nipples and rubbing him while their tongues danced around. He noted that he liked feeling Eijiro's hands through his hair.
  Finding a new sync while letting their minds empty, their heat built up for a resounding joint release. Katsuki unloaded onto Eijiro's back, leaning on him, panting.
  Eijiro steeled himself to enjoy this moment no matter what came next.

They went to their respective rooms for clothes. Katsuki saw the fresh sheet set picked out and put it on. Eijiro didn't know what to do with himself so he laid down. About to doze off, he felt his mattress dip beside him.
Katsuki wasn't quite sure what to do, but it didn't feel right to sleep separate after all of that. ..But he wasn't about to cuddle.
  Eijiro rolled onto his side to face him, bringing his knees up, he was a ball compared to Katsuki laying on his back - arm slung across his face. With a complicated smile, Eijiro fell into exhaustion.


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  Hours later the sun shone over two intertwined bodies. They were wrapped in each other from head to toe, comfortable, trusting, and vulnerable.


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