Dammit, Deku

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  Katsuki looked over at Eijiro.. arm slung over his face, lips accessible. He bit his own as he contemplated his feelings.
  It was one thing for him to move, knowing where Eijiro would be.. picturing well what he'd be doing and even how he'd be doing it..
  But it was another entirely to think he'd given up on this place just like that.
  Dammit, Deku. Without knowing, Katsuki had meant to do the same, promote growth through space.
   No, run away..
  But now? Would you do the same things? The same way? Alone, or?
After last night, such questions taunted him.
He reached out to rub Eijiro's head, hesitating when Eijiro pushed out the slightest pout. No.. don't do that.. Katsuki retreated quietly and went to the bathroom.
  The moment he thought it stupid to hide in there, he heard the front door click. He went out and noticed Eijiro's running shoes missing from the entryway along with his earbuds which were usually left at the end of the island.
  A run does sound good right about now. He changed and started laundry. The cycle would end while he was out but that would be fine, he'll switch it over later or Eijiro will notice to move it.. ..
  Shaking the assumed routine away, he made a call before heading out to the lake. He tried to reason why it was that he wanted to come out all this way, but the answer was simple.
  He pulled up to the cabin and felt suddenly at peace. A little old lady came out to greet him. "Hello! I am sorry I missed you last time. My grandson unexpectedly picked me up for lunch, you see.. and I just couldn't pass it up!"
She hopped down the engawa as she came to pat Katsuki on the arm. "Go on, go give the place a look inside." Katsuki looked up the entrance for a moment before heading in.
He resented feeling guilty. He liked it here and didn't want anything from the outside to taint that. He wanted to protect this.
He gave himself a tour and was surprised to find three bedrooms. From the outside, you wouldn't think there was this much space.
There was a common area opposite the kitchen and bathroom, and an extra space for laundry and storage which currently held some lake gear.
"I'll be sad to leave so many memories behind, but my grandchildren don't come 'round much and my daughter just accepted a new job a few hours away.. It's time for me to move in with her and help her with the kiddos.. This is just too much a house for little ole me anymore."
"This place really is something.. I'll take good care of it. I have two weeks left at my current apartment.. will that work for you?" Katsuki asked, looking out onto the lake.
"That works perfectly dear, my daughter is coming the 14th to fetch me and my things, so you'll have a couple of days to move over before turning in the old place."

Old place..
Katsuki made it back to notice that Eijiro had come and gone again. As expected, the laundry had been moved over. Folding before going out again, Katsuki tsk'ed at this hide-and-seek game they had going.
He went out to get dinner.

Eijiro could've waited another day before treating his hair again but he had more than enough time now that he didn't know what to do with.
Monday couldn't come fast enough, when he could lose himself into his work and nothing from the weekend would matter.. should matter..
He sighed as he took off his shoes at the door. Emptying his pockets on the corner of the island, he noticed some paperwork.. a rental agreement listing just Katsuki as the tenant.
He swiped his keys back again, on a new mission to finding moving boxes.

Katsuki and Eijiro failed to create opportunities to clear the air over the next few days. The brief moments they were together were blank.
Eijiro's disappointment and sadness juggled with resolve and the base understanding of Katsuki as a person.. just cancelled out.
He wasn't going to take this personally, he was going to pack up with dignity, and train his face neutral while around him. He'll find another apartment and deal with his emotions once he was away from there.
Katsuki avoided answering why he felt the way he did when Eijiro mentioned finding another place so readily.
If he was honest with himself, he had already suspected Eijiro's feelings and wanted out before he had to answer them.
Why didn't I hesitate with Deku? ..because he wasn't supposed to be back for long.. Dammit, and why won't he message me back?


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