You're Beautiful (Will Halstead)

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will halsteadxfemale reader
prompt- the reader is a detective who lost her arm when she was in the army. she's natalie's sister and has a crush on will but is afraid he will reject her.
this was requested by- seajel16  and mayoorg
word count- 629 words


"Y/n I'm telling you you won't get rejected, Will is an amazing person and he's super nice." My older sister Natalie, told me.

"I never should have told you that I had a crush on him." I said in reply.

"Oh come on, every time your in the E.D. I see how he looks at you. He totally likes you." She said as I pulled my sleeve down.

"Alright what's he gonna do when he finds out I have a metal cyborg arm?"

"First of all it's a prosthetic not a cyborg arm, second of all he's not gonna care."

"Whatever you say Nat, I got to go I'm gonna be late for work."

"Bye, and I better not see you in the E.D. with an injury later."

"Yeah yeah! Tell Owen I said bye when he wakes up." I yelled walking out of my apartment that I shared with Natalie. She was right though, I had a tendency to get hurt on the job. My arm is a prime example.


"Morning Detective Manning!" Trudy yelled when I walked through the door.

"Morning Trudy!" I yelled as I walked up the stairs. I walked in too see Jay pinning pictures on the board.

"We got a body on fourth street." Erin said filling me in. I nodded as Voight walked out.

"Victim's name is Ally Garcia, she was 17. Shot in the back head execution style, this was planned. Her father is a judge. Tony Garcia."

"We went through his cases to see who he's prosecuted and there was one who stuck out. Michael Diaz." Jay explained

"What stuck out about him?" I asked.

"He was the only one who was recently released."

"So do we think it was him?"

"We know it was him. There's footage of him buying a gun that matched the casings found at the scene."

"Then let's go get his ass."

We suited up and drove to the address.
"Chicago P.D. Open up!" After we got no answer Kevin shoulder barged the door so we could get in.

"Clear." I saw someone come around the corner.
"Gun!" I shouted but was too late. He shot me. I fell to the ground in pain as I heard other guns going off around me.

"It didn't go through." Erin informed me as she helped me up.

Voight forced me to go to the hospital so that's where I was. Even after I told Natalie that it was just a bruise she still yelled at me. I heard a knock on the door and and then no one other than Will Halstead came into the room.

"Hey y/n I heard what happened so I just have to check you out." I nodded as he started his exam.
"Looks good. Doesn't look like there's any internal bleeding so you should be good to go."

I put my shirt back on and went to get up but he stopped me.

"One more thing, will you go out to dinner with me?" I laughed.
"Natalie told you didn't she?" He laughed in return.
"Yeah. But I've wanted to ask you out for a while now."

"Even with the arm?" I asked pointing to my metal prosthetic.
"Even with the arm. You are beautiful you know that right y/n?"
"I do now." I said with a small smile on my lips.

"How about I take you out tonight? My shift is over in half an hour."

"I would love that."

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