Best Damn Thing (Blake Gallo)

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This was requested by RBuyse14 hope you enjoy, thank you so much for requesting.
Blake Gallo x Reader
Prompt- A fluffy thing where the reader tells Gallo that she's pregnant, and little head - cannons throughout the pregnancy?
Also I love the fun fact you left me! I can't wait to see Addison Montgomery on my screen again!
Word Count- 624 words
y/ln = your last name

(3rd Person Pov)

When you found out you were pregnant you didn't know what to think. You and Blake were best friends who slept together once when you were both drunk. You were scared he was gonna be mad. Hell you didn't even know if you wanted a kid, but you decided you weren't gonna waste any time and you were just gonna go tell him.

(1st Person Pov)

I grabbed the test I just took and put it in my bag, heading for the door. A million thoughts running through my head. What was Blake gonna think? Sure I loved him. But did I love him enough to have a baby with him?

The usual 10 minute ride felt longer than normal. When I finally got there it took all my courage just to knock on the door. He answered with a smile on his face. "Hey what's up y/n?" "I have to tell you something." "Oh you could've called, instead of driving all the way over in the snow." He told me moving out of the way to let me into the apartment. "I had to say it in person." "Well what's up?" "I'm pregnant?" "That's great! Congrats! Who's the dad?" He asked not catching on. "You are." When I tell you his expression changed faster than a nascar, I meant it.

(A Couple Months Later)

Blake and I decided we were gonna keep the baby, but we never did get together. Today we were finding out the gender. All of 51 was in my backyard, waiting for Blake and I to shoot off confetti poppers filled with either blue or pink confetti. "Ready?" I asked looking to the right of me. He nodded and at the same time we both shot off the confetti and saw that it was pink. I jumped into Blakes arms and he gave me a huge hug.

(Another Month Later)

Painting a bedroom in both of our houses was hard. We had to buy double everything and it was annoying. Right now I was sitting in a rocking chair watching Blake figure out how to put her name up in the nursery that was in my house. Avery Kate Y/ln- Gallo. Her room was painted a light pink in my house and a lilac purple in Blakes. To say miss Avery was gonna be spoiled was an understatement.

(Two Months Later)

Once I started getting closer to my due date, Blake made me stay with him. It wasn't the best thing because I enjoyed my privacy, it also wasn't the worst thing because he was my best friend and it showed me that he was gonna be a good dad. The night my water broke Blake was like a bat out of hell, helping me get ready and driving me to the hospital. I had never seen him more excited.

(The Delivery)

The doctor took me to a delivery room and Blake wasn't far behind the entire time. It only took 5 pushes before she was born, and the tears in both my and Blake's eyes showed just how happy we were. The doctor handed her to me snuggled in a pink blanket. Blake came over to get a look. "She's beautiful." "So are you y/n." I looked up to him and closed the distance between him and I with a kiss. "I love you Blake." "I love you too y/n."

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