Fluff Alphabet (Jay Halstead)

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hi so quick little a/n, if you sent me a request and i have not done it yet, leave a comment on this post or send me a message. i know i have one that i need to catch up on but if i have t done yours please let me know.
A= Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other)
Jay loves everything about you, and he tells you everyday. He loves your hair, your eyes omg does he love your eyes. He loves your personality and your laugh. He calls you beautiful every day.

You love his eyes. His eyes are gorgeous. You think his hair is amazing. His personality is amazing. Even though he can be a stubborn asshole so can you but that's what you love about him, he's not afraid to stand up for what he believes in. It also helps that he is attractive.

B= Baby (Do they want kids?)
Yes. Short and simple answer is yes. You both do, you will drop the topic into a conversation and then you both will talk about it for a while.

C= Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
He loves being close to you and you love being close to him. Weather it's cuddled up on the couch watching a movie with your head on his chest and his arm draped over your shoulder or it's laying in bed right before you both go to bed and your back is pressed to his chest with his arms wrapped around your waist he loves holding you in his arms.

D= Dates (What are dates like with him?)
You both work busy jobs and you both know that so when you get time to have an actual date that doesn't consist of you both in yours or his apartment, he insists on taking you out to dinner.

E= Everything (You are my_____)
You are my world

You are my love

You are my best friend

You are the love of my life

You  are my everything

Your are my soulmate

F= Feelings (When did they know they were in love)
He knew he was in love when he realized that you weren't going anywhere. After everything you both have been through he knows how hard it is to maintain a relationship, so after you assure him that you are in it for the long run he really realized how serious you were.

G= Gentle (Are they gentle, if so how?)
You both are very stubborn people, but you both are very careful about your relationship. Jay would never do anything to put your relationship at risk and neither would you. Just like he would never do anything that would put you in danger. If he hurt your feelings he would make sure to apologize.

H= Hands (How do they hold hands?)
Jay isn't very big on PDA around people you both know but if your in public around strangers he will make sure everyone knows that your his. He will hold your hand, or wrap an arm around your waist. He will hold your hand with his arm over your shoulder.

I= Impression (What was their first impression?)
You and Jay met in the military. When he first saw you he knew you wouldn't be out of his mind for a while and he was right.

J= Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
He knows you would never do anything, so he doesn't get jealous a lot but when a guy is flirting with you that's a whole other story. He will come right over and make it known that your his.

K= Kiss (How do they kiss, who initiated the first kiss?)
You kiss with love. If it's morning or night just it's a sweet kiss. Or a peck on the cheek right before one of you leaves for work. He initiated the first kiss.

L= Love (Who said I love you first?)
He did.
"Y/n?" Jay asked while you both were laying in bed.
"I love you."
"I love you too." You said before giving him a sweet kiss.

M= Memory (What's your favorite memory together?)
Your favorite memory was when you patched him up in Afghanistan, it was a sweet moment where you could actually help him for once.

N= Nickel (Does he spoil you?)
He insists on paying for dinner every time you guys go out, he literally will not let you pay.

O=Orange (What color reminds you of them?)
Green reminds you of him because of his eyes.

Green also reminds him of you but for a different reason. It's because of your army uniform being green.

P= Pet Names (What pet names do they call each other?)
Baby, Babe, Beautiful, Love

Q= Quaint (What non modern thing do they enjoy?)
Record players, records, cassette tapes

R= Rainy days (What do they do on a rainy day?)
If your not working then you both stay home and enjoy each other's company.

S= Sad (When theyre sad how do they cheer others/ themselves up?)
When Jays sad he does try to hide his feelings but you see through him and you end up talking to him  about it. If he doesn't want to though you just like to be their for him. Same goes with you, you don't love sharing your feelings but you know he's their if you want too.

T= Talking (What do they like talking about?)
He likes talking about his day with you.

U=Unencumbered (How do they relax?)
Baths/ showers with you. Having a beer. Just being with you in general.

V= Vaunt (What do they like to show off?)
Besides you, he likes to show off his arms. He works out hard on those.

W= Wedding (Where, when, how did they propose?)
He had a bad day at work and when he got home he felt he had to tell you just how he felt.

X=Xylophone (What's their song?)
Minimum Wage by blake shelton
(You should listen to this, it's pretty good)

Y= Yes (Would they ever consider getting married?)
Yes, you did.

Z= Zebra (Would they ever consider getting a pet, if so what?)
Yes, you guys have a german shepherd.

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