Watch It (Jay Halstead)

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female reader x jay halstead
prompt- jay halstead and reader have a son
together but their divorced. reader works at molly's and 51. one day jay, adam, and kim are having drinks with a new cop at the intelligence unit who seems to take a liking to the reader. jay doesn't take it too well. the new cops name is nick stevens. y/hc= your hair color, y/hl= your hair length, y/fc= your favorite color.
word count- 594 words

(Jays Pov)
I sat down next to Adam, Kim, and the new cop we pulled from patrol.
"Hey Jay!"
"Hi Kim!" I gave her a quick hug before sitting down next to her.
"Nick right?" I asked referring to the guy sitting across from me.
"Detective Halstead right?" I nodded.
"Call me Jay."
"Well Jay I'm gonna go get another round on me." He said before getting up out of his chair.
I watched him walk over to where y/n was bartending. She laughed at something he said before she poured him 8 shots of tequila.
He smiled at her before bringing the tray of shots back to the table.
He placed them on the table.
"Here's to new friends and new jobs!" Nick said before raising a shot glass. I grabbed my own and so did Kim and Adam. We clinked them together and downed them.
"So who's the bartender?" Nick asked.
"Which one?" Kim asked.
"The one with the y/hl y/hc hair and a y/fc sweater." I looked up at the bar to see that he was talking about y/n.
"That's y/n."
"She's pretty. I'd hit that." I looked at him.
"Hey watch it man."
"What I'm just saying! Is she single?"
"I'm serious stop." I said warning him again.
"Hey man I'm just stating the truth. She's hot!" I took the last sip of my beer before getting out of my seat. Nick got up when I did.
"Where are you going so soon?"
I didn't say anything I just punched him straight in the nose.
He grabbed his noise which was bloody.
"Hey what the hell man!"
"Don't talk about another women like that!"
"Hey hey! Break it up!" Hermann said coming over to us.
"Jay get out of here. I don't want you to get arrested because of a bar fight."
"I was just leaving Hermann." I said before grabbing my jacket and going.

(3rd person pov)
"What's his problem?" Nick asked holding a napkin up to his face.
"He told you back off." Kim said before leaving herself.
"Why does he care! She's just a bartender!"
"You see the lady that just walked in with the little kid?" Adam asked.
Nick looked to the door and watched a lady with black hair walk in holding a four year old boy.
"That is Blake. Jays son. Take a guess who his mom is?" Adam remarked. Nick looked back to see Blake reaching over to Y/n.
"So that's his wife? Why didn't he just say something instead of breaking his nose?"
"It's not his wife. That's his ex wife and i suggest if you like the way your face looks don't talk to or about her again." Adam warned him before leaving Nick standing in the middle of Molly's with a bloody and probably broken nose.

hi guys! i have two books i'm currently working on beside this one. one is called the enemy kingdom and the other one is fandom/ celebrity imagines! if you check them out i'd really appreciate it!

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