Watch it part 2 (jay halstead)

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female reader x jay halstead
prompt-this is a part 2 to watch it... read the first part to understand.
this was requested by PrismaBaca and Abby_Sciuto_NCIS hope you enjoy
word count- 532 words

(Y/ns Pov.)
I fumbled with my keys as I tried to unlock my apartment door. I finally got it opened and I dropped my coat off on the floor.
"Come on Blake let's go get you a bath before bed."
"Okay mommy." I set him down out of my arms and he went to get clothes out of his room.
"Here mommy." He handed me his pajamas and I followed him to the bathroom. After I gave him a bath he sat on the couch and watched tv so that I could make dinner. Whenever I got home late from Molly's or the firehouse I made the same thing: Mac and Cheese. Blake didn't care though he loved mac and cheese so it made my life just a tad bit easier. I got out the box of craft mac and cheese that was in the cabinet and I went to get butter and milk but I heard a knock on my door. I sighed and walked over wondering who it could be.
I opened the door but I was shocked to see Jay.
"Hi Jay."
"Daddy!" Blake yelled running over. I smiled when Jay picked him up in his arms.
"Jay it's always great to see you but why are you here at 10:00 on a Tuesday night?"
"Can we talk?"
I nodded.
"Want something to eat? I was just making mac and cheese."
"Uhh no I'm good."
"Well I'm not hungry either so i'll just make a cup for Blake and then we can talk okay." Jay nodded and went to sit with Blake. 3 minutes later I handed Blake mac and cheese and told him that he could eat in his room.
I sat down next to Jay.
"So wanna tell me why you punched someone in the face today?"
"So you heard?"
I nodded.
"Cause he was saying stuff about you."
"So you punched a guy because he was saying stuff about me?"
"Y/n. It was bad. I told him to stop and he wouldn't."
I smirked at him.
"What's the smirk for?"
"You still care!"
"I do not!"
"Yes you do!"
I smiled.
"If you didn't you wouldn't have done what you did!"
He shook his head for a minute before he leaned in and kissed me. I didn't hesitate to kiss back. If i'm being honest I still loved him.
"Ew!" I pulled away from the kiss to see Blake staring at us and laughing.
I laughed myself before taking the mac and cheese cup out of his hand.
"Go to bed. I'll be in in a minute to read you a story."
He nodded and ran back into his room.
"Do you want to stay the night Jay?"
"I'd love to."
I nodded and got up to go to Blake's room.
Before I opened the door I looked back at him.
"You know I never stopped loving you right Jay?"
"Good cause I never stopped loving you." He replied

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