I dont know what to do! (Connor Rhodes)

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female reader x connor rhodes
this is a part two to the first connor imagine
prompt- the readers ex husband comes and tries to get custody of erika and they go to court and he wins. this is set a a year after and erika is 15 and connor and denver (my oc) are married. Denver is also two months pregnant.
word count- 500 words
"Erika are you ready for school?" I yelled up the stairs.
"Yeah mom I'm coming."
I grabbed my stethoscope and through it around my neck as I grabbed my coat. I heard the doorbell ring.
"I'll get it!" Connor yelled.
He opened the door.
"Denver come here." I walked over to where Connor was standing and saw my ex boyfriend and Erikas father in the doorway.
"What do you want Nick?"
"I can't come see my daughter?"
I scoffed.
"15 years ago when you decided to leave, she stopped being your daughter, and she's better off for it. You don't even know her name."
"Dad can you take me to school?" Erika asked coming down to school.
"Honey go in the living room." Connor said answering her.
"So you have her calling another man dad?" Nick asked.
"He is her father, your not, now please leave before I call the cops."
"Yeah alright, I'll see you in court Denver, I'm getting custody of my daughter." With that he walked away.
"Erika come on! It's time for school!" I yelled.
She got in the car with me and Connor. We dropped her off at school.
"Hey you ok?" Connor asked after I Erika got out of the car.
"I don't know what to do! Her father can not have custody of her."
"Denver shes old enough to decide in a court of law who she wants to go to."
"Yeah your right." I said somewhat calming down.

(2 weeks later; the court date.)
I put the rest of my suit on.
"I'm so nervous Connor."
"I know, so am I but we have a great lawyer. She's gonna stay with us." I nodded.
"Come on Erika."
When it was time we went and sat in front of the judge.
After everything that needed to be said and proven we were waiting on the results.
"In the case of Erika Patrick-Rhodes, sole custody is granted to Nicholas Brooks." As soon as the judge said his name my heart stopped.
I felt the tears come running down my face.
Erika ran over to me and Connor and hugged us. We both held her tight.
"Erika I promise we're gonna figure this out, your gonna be ok. Your gonna come back to us." I whispered in her ear before she let go. I saw the tears on her face as Nicholas brought her out to his car.
"When she comes back covered in bruises Im gonna sue you for everything you've got." I said to the judge before leaving the courtroom. I'm gonna get my daughter back.

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