He's Dead Because Of You (Kevin Atwater)

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female reader x kevin atwater
this was requested by x0_myaa hope you enjoy
prompt- 33. "He's dead because of you"
little backstory cause this ones going to be confusing. kevin and the reader met while he was undercover, meaning she doesn't know he's a cop. also she knows him as keith not kevin. he's undercover as kinda like a drug dealer because your part of a big notorious gang. your the waitress at the bar where your brother and his colleagues do business. long story short kevin starts to feel something for you and you start to feel something for "keith" so you start dating. kevin does actually feel something but in the end you think he was playing you to get close to your brother. this one will also be in third person. tony is your brother.
word count- 547 words
"Hey y/n!" Your boyfriend said walking into the bar.
"Hey Keith!" You said putting the glass down. You hopped over the bar counter to give him a kiss.
"Want a drink?"
"No, I'm good baby. Thanks anyway." You nodded and went back over to where you were cleaning glasses.
"Hey where's Tony?" He asked sitting down in a barstool.
"Oh he's in the back. He had some to deal to do." You answered.
"Perfect." He whispered. You didn't think much of it until you saw people storm through the bar.
"Chicago P.D! Put your hands up!" One of them yelled. You shot Keith a look of confusion, but then you heard your brother storm out with a gun.
"What the hell is going on out here!"
"Tony no!" You yelled.
"Sir put your gun down!" He aimed it at an officer with blonde hair but she fired first. You watched him fall the ground.
A man with brown hair went over to him and shook his head.
You felt someone push you up against the bar.
You looked behind you too see the man you once knew as Keith with handcuffs.
"Y/n Y/ln your under arrest for hiding and harboring fugitives in your bar.You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law."
He said before placing handcuffs on your wrists.
"Screw you, you lying bastard."
"It wasn't anything personal."
"It was for me."

Hours later you were sitting in a holding cell. You looked up at the sound of the door opening to see the man who you know learned was named Kevin.
"So are you gonna give us any information yet?"
"Why would I do that?"
"Oh I don't know, so you don't go to jail."
"I don't care. I don't have anything to say to you, Keith or should I say Kevin?" He rolled his eyes at me.
"I already apologized to you y/n."
"You used to me to get closer to my brother, who I may add is dead now."
"I actually loved you y/n."
"I'm sure you did, but none of that matters anymore because you closed the case and I'm going to jail so." He shook his head.
"He's dead because of you." You said spitting at him.
"I'm sorry y/n."
"I don't care."

ngl i really like this one

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