I will protect you (Adam Ruzek)

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female reader x adam ruzek
prompt- "I will protect you with my life." also based on the song "Hello, you up?" side note i'm pretty sure the song is about a break up but i'm gonna make it about death for a minute.  (flashbacks are in italics) This was requested by Corebore123 hope you enjoy.
word count- 778 words
warnings- death.
(Adams Pov)
I stood in my formal uniform as I stared at the picture of y/n. I didn't feel anything. Not one thing. I was completely numb.
"Arms!" I heard Trudy yell. I raised my arm and saluted her one last time.
I saw her mom and dad being handed a folded flag while her sister was standing next to them with tears in her eyes.

"It's my understanding that Officer Adam Ruzek would like to say a few words." Trudy announced. I walked to the the front of the crowd.
"What can I say about Y/n? She was a great partner, and a great detective. She was my best friend. She was the women I loved. She was the only women who ever loved me. So tonight I say we all raise one for Detective Y/n Y/ln, may she rest in piece." I smiled slightly and stood off the stage.

(At Molly's later that night.)
"Can I have a tequila Gabby?" She nodded and poured me one. I quickly downed it and then ordered a beer. I had drank alcohol in Molly's many times before but it was just different knowing that y/n wouldn't be here to drink with me.
"Adam, you can't blame yourself."
Gabby said breaking me out of my train of thoughts.
"And don't say your not blaming yourself cause Antonio did the same thing when Jules died."
"Gabby it was my fault. I was supposed to protect her."

(1 week ago.)
I watched y/n get her vest on and holster your gun.
"Promise you'll protect me out there?" She asked me.
I looked at her.
"Y/n, I'll protect you with my life."
She sent me a smile and got in the car. I got in the drivers seat and us and the rest of the team made our way to the address.
"Y/ln and Ruzek go through the back, Upton and Halstead go through the front. Atwater and Burgess you guys take the side of the house." Voight ordered.
We nodded and made our way to the back.
"Clear." She whispered as she went in first.
She turned to the left and I heard a horrible sound. I ran to where she turned to see her laying on the ground in a pool of her own blood.
"10-1 10-1 I got an officer down! It's Y/n!" I heard another gunshot and I prayed that it was the perp being shot and not someone else off the team.
I pulled her vest off.
"We got the perp in custody." I heard through the radio.
"Adam I'll be okay, he hit my shoulder." She said slurring her words a bit.
"Hey, y/n your losing a lot of blood I need you to keep your eyes open."
"Adam I love you."
"Y/n I love you too but you gotta keep your eyes open." Her eyes fluttered shut.
"No! Damnit!" Hailey came running in.
"How is she?"
"Not good, we have to get her out of here."
She nodded and helped me stand her up then I picked her up bridal style. I brought her out just as 61 was pulling up.
"Come on y/n, you gotta pull through." I said with tears in my eyes as I held her hand.

Y/n had to be taken into surgery. We were all waiting for the news. Her blood was still on my hands when I saw Connor walk out into the waiting room.
I got up and walked over to him.
"I'm sorry, we tried everything we could. She lost too much blood at the scene. She died on the table." The second he said that my entire heart dropped to my stomach. I was supposed to protect her.

(Present day.)
After I finished my beer I drove back to my apartment but when I walked in I was beyond shocked to see y/n standing in the middle of the room dressed in all black with a sling on her arm.
"I know you probably hate me right now, I would hate me too. But we need to talk. Can we talk?"
I stood there in shook and slowly nodded my head.

should i do a part 2 to this one?

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