Rescue You (Jay Halstead)

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Female reader x Jay Halstead
Based on the song rescue you.
Prompt- jay and the reader are dating but they both work in the intelligence unit so they had to keep it a secret. The reader gets kidnapped and jay loses it. The reader and jay have been dating for 3 years. The reader is voights daughter. Song lyrics are in italics. Also I was gonna make the ending to this like super sad.. like I was gonna make someone die.. but I decided not to torture you guys so there's a happy ending don't worry. Also Hailey and the reader are best friends. Also this is a long one but I literally love it.
Mentions of drugs and kidnapping.
Word count- 1494 words

You are not hidden
There's never been a moment
You were forgotten
You are not hopeless
Though you have been broken
Your innocence stolen

I sat in the cold dark basement that I had been sitting in for hours now. I had been beat and tortured for information but I still wouldn't give it to them. One thing that's been running through my mind though is who these people are, because I have absolutely no clue.
"You ready to talk princess?" I pulled at the zipties that were on my hands.
"Who are you?"
"Oh come on! You seriously don't remember me?" I stayed silent.
"I'm not gonna ask you again. Is the Intelligence unit still going after the Mexican cartel?"
"And I'm not gonna tell you again, you can go screw yourself." He raised his hand and slapped it against my cheek.

I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS

"You wanna know who I am? Let's see if this jogs your memory shall we?" He grabbed his phone and turned on the flashlight and then held a picture up. It was a picture of me in a skin tight red dress and Jay on my side in a tuxedo.
"You were the bitch who pretended to be a buyer and got me on recording selling you and the guy you were with drugs. Do you remember me now Allison, or should I say Detective y/n Voight?"
"I thought you were in jail Joey. I should know, I was the one who arrested you." I said spitting blood onto the ground.
"I escaped prison 2 days ago, have you not heard the news?"
"I have better things to do then worry about assholes like you."
"Well I suggest you tell me everything you know about the gang or you won't be making it out of here alive."

I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you

{Jays Pov}
"Jay you need to calm down! Now!"
"Hailey I'm not gonna calm down! She's my partner! And everyone is sitting on there asses while we should be going after the bastard that took her!"
"Hey!" Hailey snapped at me.
"Nobody is sitting on their asses! Everyone out there including y/n's father is doing everything we can to find her! You freaking out on all of us and acting like an asshole isn't gonna help us find her, so calm the hell down or I will tell Voight that your a liability and that you need to go home!"
"I love her Hailey."

There is no distance
That cannot be covered
Over and over
You're not defenseless
I'll be your shelter
I'll be your armor

"Of course you do Jay, she's your partner."
"She's not just my partner Hailey. Her and I have been together for the last 3 years. We have to find her." Hailey looked at me with what looked like sorrow in her eyes now.
"We will find her Jay. I'm not gonna let her die and neither is the team. I promise you."

I hear you whisper underneath your breath
I hear your SOS, your SOS

"Guys! They sent another video." Kim yelled into the break room. Hailey and I went out to see that Kevin had connected Voight's phone to the computer where there was a video of Y/n zip tied to a pole in the middle of what looked like a basement. There was blood running down her face and bruises all over her. She had duct tape over her mouth. A guy with a mask came into view. He had a gun. He placed it on her head. I could see the fear in her eyes.

I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It's true, I will rescue you

"If you ever want to see your pretty little detective again I want 100k. Send one of your detectives alone to the empty lot on 4th street near the old abandoned warehouse. I'll have one of my guys waiting. No guns or you won't get her back. I want it in exactly 1 hour. Tick tock detectives. Your girl doesn't have long." The video ended and it became a black screen.
"What are you waiting for! Track the phone call!"
"We already tried. It's a burner."
"Screw this!" I grabbed my jacket and the keys to my truck.
"Where the hell are you going Jay?"
"To find y/n."

I hear the whisper underneath your breath
I hear you whisper, you have nothing left

It's been 30 minutes but I've been waiting at the drop off location. I was gonna ambush them before they ambushed us.
I heard a car behind me and when I looked in my mirrors I saw Voight's car coming up beside mine. He stopped next to my drivers side window and rolled down his passenger seat window, so in return I rolled mine down.
"Hailey told me what was going on between you and my daughter." I didn't say anything and just kept staring ahead waiting for the guy that was being sent to get the cash.
"I get it, you care about her. So do I, we need to do this by the book."
"Screw the book. She's your daughter. I thought you of all people wouldn't do this by the book."
"Believe me that last thing I wanted to do was do this by the book but I got every cop in the city of Chicago on my ass which means so do you." He reached into his center console and pulled out a listening device. He threw it out his window and into a puddle that was on the ground.
"The board bugged my car the second they heard the name of the cop that went missing. In about 5 minutes Adam is gonna come with Hailey and meet the guy who's gonna get the money. You and I are gonna trail him and find y/n."  I nodded and turned my radio and my phone off.
I saw Adam's car drive in front of where we were parked just in time to see the other guy coming straight from the way of the old warehouse.
"They have her in the old warehouse!" I said realizing why they wanted us to meet here.
"Let's go." I quickly got into Voight's car and he sped off to the warehouse. We went in with our guns raised. Me and Voight split up and I went left while he went right. I saw stairs so I went down and I saw Y/n in the middle of the room. I holstered my gun and ran over to her. I carefully took the duct tape off her mouth and I cut the zip ties and as soon as her hands were free she wrapped her arms around my neck holding on tightly.

I will send out an army to find you
In the middle of the darkest night
It's true, I will rescue you
I will never stop marching to reach you
In the middle of the hardest fight
It's true, I will rescue you

"Thank God your okay." I said hugging her back.
"She's not gonna be for long." I looked behind me to see the same guy who had a gun to her head in the video was now pointing a gun at the both of us. I positioned myself in front of
"Come on man, just put the gun down. You don't have to do this."
"I do. You and that little bitch got me locked up for 3 years and I finally get my revenge." He took the safety off the pistol and went to shoot it but instead of him shooting us he fell to the ground. Voight shot him.
"Perfect timing. Is she alive?"
"She's alive." I said turning around again to face her.
"She's alive."
"I'm alive."

Oh, I will rescue you

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