Fluff Alphabet (Kelly Severide)

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this was requested by haleylouw hope you enjoy
A= Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other?)
Kelly thinks the way you laugh is attractive and the way you take charge at work. He also thinks everything about you is beautiful.

You love Kelly's hair and his smile. You also find how brave and daring he is attractive.

B= Baby (Do they want kids?)
Yes, he most definitely wants kids with you.

C= Cuddle (How do they cuddle?)
You both usually spoon. His chest pressed against your back.

D- Dates (What are dates like with them?)
Dates are never boring. You usually go out to Molly's, but on special dates you will go to a restaurant or you've gone to a carnival a couple times.

E= Everything (You are my____)
You are my everything.

You are my love.

You are me baby.

F= Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
You and Kelly hated each other at first, since when you showed up to the firehouse you were the only person as hot headed as he was. Eventually you two grew to be friends and one day you confessed that you loved him.

G= Gentle (Are they gentle, if so how?)
Kelly is like i said before a hothead, but so are you so you two fight over stupid stuff all the time. He really isn't gentle with his relationship, he's not that careful with it, but he is gentle with you.

H= Hands (How do they hold hands?)
Both you and Kelly aren't ones for hand holding so the closest thing you two do is when you rest your hand on top of his.

I= Impression (What was their first impression)
Both you and Kelly hated each other in the beginning.

J=Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
YES. He gets jealous very easily, and he makes it known when he is jealous.

K=Kiss (How do they kiss, who initiated the first kiss?)
You kiss very sweetly, not too passionately but just enough where there is love in the kiss. You initiated the first kiss.

L= Love (Who said I love you first?)
You did. You confessed to him that you loved him at Molly's.
"Hey Severide, can we talk?"
"Sure what's up y/n?"
"There's no easy way to say this but I love you Kelly, like I really love you." He just smirked so you kissed him.

M= Memory (What's your favorite memory together?)
When he proposed to you.

N= Nickel (Does he spoil you?)
Yes and he loves doing it.

O= Orange (What color reminds you of them?)
Red reminds you of him because he's a firefighter.

Purple also reminds you of him because of his car.

Brown reminds him of you because your eyes and your hair are brown.

P= Pet Names (What pet names do they call each other?)
Babe, baby, honey, handsome.

Q= Quaint (What non modern thing do they enjoy?)
Old cars.

R= Rainy day (What do they do on a rainy day?)
If neither of you are working you usually just stay in bed watching movies.

S=Sad (when they're sad how do they cheer others/ themselves up?)
Kelly does not like talking about his feelings.
He would rather just sit on the couch with a beer.

He will listen to you talk about your feelings though.

T= Talking (What do they like talking about?)
He loves talking about cars.

U= Unencumbered (How do they relax?)
He cracks open a cold beer and watches tv with you.

V= Vaunt (What do they like to show off?)
He likes to show off his car.

W= Wedding (Where, when, how did they propose.)
You guys were on a vacation to florida. One night you were taking a stroll on the beach and he proposed to you.

X= Xylophone (What's their song?)
Iris by the goo goo dolls.

Y= Yes (Would they ever consider getting married)

Z= Zebra (Would they ever consider getting a pet, if so what?)
He would get a Labrador retriever. 

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