I Promised (Hank Voight)

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prompt- the reader is hanks daughter and she followed in his footsteps when she became a detective. one day she gets badly injured and ends up in a coma. hank blames himself.
this was requested by CrackheadMonkeyChild
word count- 335 words

(Y/n Pov)
"Your cornered! Drop your weapon now!" I yelled.
"I can't they're gonna shoot me!"
"I promise, you have my word, they aren't gonna shoot you unless you shoot me." I said lowering my gun. He started to lower his own but then brought it back up and shot my in the neck.

"Y/n! Someone call an ambulance now!" Was the last thing I heard before I blacked out.

(Hank's Pov)
I got in the ambulance with Gabby and Y/n

"Thankfully, the bullet didn't hit her artery." Gabby explained as she tried to stop the bleeding. I watched her put an intubation tube down her throat. I heard the machine that was monitoring her heart beep.

"Damn it! She's flatlining!" Gabby yelled "Start compressions for me." I did as she said.

"Charged to 300! Clear!" She got her heart started again and we made our way to the hospital.

"What do we got?"
"Y/n Voight, 27 years old, gunshot to the neck. Intubated in the field. She flatlined once in the ambulance."
"Alright, we can take it from here Hank." I nodded and watched them wheel her away. I went into the waiting room and sat down next to Al.

"This is my fault! I was supposed to protect her!"
"Hank, this isn't your fault. There was nothing you could do."

(Hours later)
"Hank can I talk to you?" Connor asked.
I got up and went over to him.

"How's y/n?"
"That's what I came to talk to you about. She had to be placed into a medically induced coma so that she wouldn't tear her stitches, but other than that she's going to be fine."
"Can I see her?" He nodded and I went to her room.

"I'm so sorry y/n. I should've been there. I promised your mom that I would protect you. First Justin now you? It's all my fault. I'm so sorry."

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