I do love you (jay halstead)

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prompt- reader is part of intelligence abc they go on a man hunt for a child kidnapped, and it ends up putting y/n in danger, but jay is their just in time to save her, and they realize how much they really love each other.
this was requested by- shelbyroseg hope you enjoy sorry it took so long.
word count- 518 words
Jay and I have been best friends and partners for a while now. We slept together once and things got awkward so we promised never to do it again.
I sipped on my coffee.
"Jay, you have horrible taste in woman." I said with a laugh.
"Oh shut up! Look at your last boyfriend."
"We were not even talking about me!" I said defending myself.
"I got eyes on our guy." I heard Voight's voice come through the radio.
"He's coming towards Halstead and y/ln."
"Alright, we're going in now." Jay and I had been undercover playing the parents of the kid he abducted. Jay grabbed the money from the back seat. We walked up to the guy.
"Where's Parker?" I asked him.
"In that building over there."
He said pointing to the house next to us.
Someone else got out of the car.
"Who's that?" Jay asked.
"My assistant, if you want your son back your gonna stay here and I'm gonna take her with my into the house."
"No! That wasn't the deal! Your money is right here!" Jay yelled getting protective.
"It's okay, I'll go with him."
"See the lady's smart, let's go." He lead me into the house and when we got inside he locked the door.
"I know who you are Jenny, or should I say Detective y/ln?"
Damn it my covers been blown.
He held a gun up at my head.
"You and your partner have messed with my plans for far too long."
He got ready to pull the trigger but I heard a door break down. I looked to see Jay and the rest of intelligence.
When he got distracted by the sound I grabbed his arm and twisted it behind his back.
Jay shot him in the leg, so he wouldn't die but he would hurt like hell.
"Aaron Taylor, your under arrest for the kidnapping of a minor. You have the right to remain silent, anything you do can and will be used against you in a court of law." I pinned him to the ground and Kim came in with a pair of handcuffs.

After Jay forced me to get checked out by paramedics, I got back in his truck.
We both stayed quiet until we got to the 21st. I went to get out of his truck but he locked his car door.
"What are you holding me hostage now Jay?" I asked with a laugh.
"Y/n you almost died today."
"Yeah, I know that?"
"Y/n I love you."
My eyes widened.
Instead of saying anything I leaned over the center console and placed a kiss on his lips.
"I love you too." I said before kissing him again.

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