Fluff Alphabet (Blake Gallo)

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A= Attractive (What do they find attractive about the other)
He finds everything about you attractive. Your eyes, your smile, your face, the way you laugh, the way you love him, your hair, everything.

You find how how brave he is attractive, you work with him so you see all the risks he takes, even though you don't love how much he risks his life, you find it attractive. You also find his compassion, his kindness, and his humor attractive. He's also attractive in general. You find his hair, his eyes, his smile attractive.

B= Baby (Do they want a family with you?)
He does want one eventually, but you both are still young and you both want to wait.

C= Cuddle (How do they cuddle)
Blake absolutely loves cuddling. Doesnt matter how, as long as your in his arms he loves it.

D= Dates (What are dates like with him?)
His dates usually consist of you both just staying home. Whether it be making dinner or ordering out, or just cuddling up together on the couch watching a movie. If you two do go out though it's usually just to Molly's.

E= Everything (You are my____)
You are my everything,

You are my world

You are my best friend

You are my home.

F= Feelings (When did they know they were in love?)
Blake knew from the moment you walked into his life. He could tell by the way you made him smile that you were gonna be special.

G= Gentle (Are they gentle? If so how?)
He is very gentle when it comes to your relationship, he would never do anything that would put your relationship at risk or make you want to break up with him.

H- Hands (how do they hold hands?)
A loose grip
Arms side by side.

I- Impression (First impressions)
When Blake first saw you, he thought that you would be stuck in his mind for a while, and he was right. He thought you were beautiful and he wanted to ask you out right then and there but his nerves took over.

J= Jealousy (Do they get jealous?)
Yes, but only because he thinks he doesn't deserve you and that you can do better, so when he sees a guy talking to you than he does get a little jealous.

K= Kiss (How do they kiss? Who initiated the first kiss?)
You both kiss each other with passion.

If you guys get a call it's a quick peck just incase anything happens.

He initiated the first kiss

L= Love (Who said 'I love you' first?)
You did. Blake had just gotten trapped in a fire. You were on the outside of the building, so when you heard he was trapped you were terrified. As soon as he got out of the building you ran over to him and basically jumped in his arms.
"I love you Blake Gallo." You confessed earning a kiss from him.

M= Memory (What's your favorite memory together?)
You loved the snow, and Blake knew that so one day when a snowstorm hit Chicago, he decided it would be the perfect excuse to take you skiing. He soon learned that even though you told him you were a great skier, you definitely weren't. After him catching you one too many times, you both decided that you should just go home, so that's what you did. You ended up on the couch watching a movie cuddled into his side.

N= Nickel (Do they spoil you?)
Yes, even after you told him he didn't need to constantly buy you gifts.

O= Orange (What color reminds them of their other half?)
Yellow reminds you of Blake because he's bright and he sees the good in people. Yellow also is a symbol of happiness.

Green reminds him of you because you tell him everyday how much you like that color, also your eyes are green so that helps too.

P= Pet Names (What pet names do they use?)
Baby, Babe, Beautiful

Q= Quaint (What is their favorite non-modern thing?)
Vinyls and Polaroids

R= Rainy Day (What do they like to do on a rainy day?)
You two are literal children, so if you both aren't working you will just sit on balcony of your apartment and watch the rain fall.

S=Sad (How do they cheer themselves/ others up?)
If your sad Blake will talk to you and make sure your okay.

If he's said he likes to talk about things, especially with you. When he's sad he's vulnerable, and he just likes to be with you and nothing else.

T- Talking (What do they like talking about?)
Stupid stuff right before bed.

He loves talking about his day with you even though you work with him.

He likes to talk about you.

U- Unencumbered (What helps them relax?)
Being in your presence. You just being around him helps him relax.

When you both curl up on the couch and watch a movie or show.

Baths/ showers with you.

V= Vaunt (What do they like to show off?)
He does like showing you off because he feels like your the most important thing in the world.

W= Wedding (When, how, where do they propose?)
He proposes to you on a cold snowy day. You both were making cookies in your kitchen with the fireplace running. You were taking the cookies out of the oven but when you turned around Blake was on one knee with a beautiful diamond ring in his hand.
"Y/n Y/mn Y/ln will you marry me?" He asked
"Yes!" You said putting the cookies down and when he got on his feet again he gave you a hug and a kiss before slipping the ring on your finger.

X= Xylophone (What's their song)
Black and White by Niall Horan because he says it reminds him of you, since you played it so much.

Y- Yes (Do they ever think of getting married/ proposing)
All the time. Before Blake actually proposed to you he thought about doing it but he was too scared.

Z= Zebra (If they could have a pet what would it be?)
He would want a dog.

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