The Most Important Thing Part 2 (Jay Halstead)

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female reader x jay halstead
this was requested by Abby_Sciuto_NCIS hope you enjoy.
prompt-Maybe see if his priorities change and how the reader feels about it depending on what it is that he chooses it'll be funny maybe if he doesn't pick the boys and gets reprimanded by Will. in this the reader has a sister named nicole.
word count- 743 words

1 week later.
"Landon, stop messing with the dog please." I asked him while I was feeding Lincoln. I heard my phone ring so I grabbed it off the counter.
"Hey mom what's up?"
"Y/n, what are you doing?" She asked sounding like she was worried.
"I'm feeding Lincoln, why what's up?"
"Nicole got into a bad car accident! You have to get to the hospital!"
"Alright, I'll be there in like 20 minutes."
I hung up the phone and held my tears back while I got the kids ready to leave.
"Mommy where are we going?" Landon asked
"To Daddy's." I told him as I put him in his car seat.

The drive to Jay's apartment felt like it took forever. When I got there I held Lincoln in my arms and lead Landon to the door. After knocking twice Jay answered the door.
"Hey y/n." He greeted.
"Hey can you take the kids for a couple hours please?"
"Who's at the door?" I heard Hailey's voice ask.
"Jay please, Nicole got into a car accident and she's not doing good I gotta go."
"I thought you said the kids came first?" My blood started to boil.
"You know what screw you! Your an asshole. Clearly Hailey is more important." I left without him getting another word in.

I drove another five minutes to Will's apartment.
"Hey Y/n everything alright?" He asked answering the door.
"Can you watch the kids please? My sister got into a car accident. I'm desperate and it's too late to hire a sitter."
"Of course I can."
"Thank you."
He nodded. I handed him the diaper bag that was resting on my shoulder and he took Lincoln out of my arms.
"Your a lifesaver Will!" I yelled before running out to my car.

{Hours Later; Wills Pov}
I opened the door to see Y/n here to pick up the boys.
"Y/n, they can stay here. It's late I'd rather let them sleep than wake them up."
"Are you sure Will?"
"Yeah, Owen loves playing with Landon and Lincoln is asleep half the time so you can get them in the morning."
"Thank you."
"It's really no problem, how's Nicole?"
"She'll be alright, thank God."
"That's good." she nodded.
"I should get going. Thank you again, and tell Natalie thank you for me."
"I will."
She nodded and started to walk away. Instead of going back inside I followed her out.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm gonna go have a talk with Jay."
"Well, tell him that if doesn't start putting the boys before Hailey, I'm not gonna let him see them anymore." I nodded.

When I pulled into the parking lot of Jays apartment building I saw him walking Hailey out to her car. I got out of mine and walked up to them just as Hailey drove away.
"Hey man what are you doing here so late?"
"I came to tell you that your an idiot."
"Because clearly Hailey is more important than your kids."
"I'm assuming you talked to y/n didn't you."
"Yeah I did. I was talking to her through text while she was at the hospital and I was watching your kids."
"So her sister is in the hospital. I thought she was just lying to test me."
"You still would have failed Jay!"
"Oh come on! I take care of those kids and besides Y/n's probably just jealous!"
"Seriously Jay? She doesn't care who's throat your tongue is down during your free time. She cares that her kids have a father!" He didn't say anything and just stared at the ground.
"She told me to tell you that if you don't stop putting Hailey before Lincoln and Landon, she's not gonna let you see them anymore."
"You can't be serious!"
"She seemed serious Jay. Get your act together." I got in my car and left Jay in the parking lot to think about what his future was gonna look like from here on out, and he better choose the right decision.

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