Really? (Connor Rhodes)

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connor rhodesxfemale reader
prompt- connor and the reader are married and have been trying for a while to get pregnant, but then they find out that they can't have kids, but a miracle happens.
this was requested by-sksksk_heyy
word count- 397 words 

I sat on the tub waiting for the timer to go off. When it finally did, I flipped over the test and read the words I knew all too well- negative. I really thought this time we would get lucky. I really thought this time we were pregnant. Guess I was wrong. I walked out the door to see Connor waiting at the kitchen island. I shook my head no and wiped away the tears. He came over and brought me into a hug.

"Why don't we go to the doctor's tomorrow to see if there's anything wrong." He suggested.
I nodded.

(The next day.)
Connor and I were waiting in the exam room for the doctor too come back with the results. We heard a knock on the door and then saw the doctor come in.
"Alright, so I checked the results, and Mrs. Rhodes you don't have enough fertile eggs. There is a chance inn the future that you could get pregnant but it is very unlikely. If you get pregnant, it would be a miracle." The doctor explained before she left.

"So it's my fault then." Connor grabbed my shoulders.
"This is not your fault y/n."
"Yes it is. The only thing women can biologically do that men can't I can't do. It's my fault."
I said before rushing out the door.

(a year later)
When Connor and I found out that we couldn't have kids we agreed that we would keep trying just in case and I'm thankful we did because I've had pregnancy symptoms all week. I stared in disbelief at the test in my hands that said positive.

I walked out to the kitchen and saw Connor cooking dinner.
"Connor we need to talk."
"Is everything okay?"
"Everything is perfect, I'm pregnant."
"Really?" I nodded.
"This is amazing." he said giving me a kiss.
"We're going to be parents."
"Yeah we are."

(Another year later)
"Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday to you! Happy birthday dear Olivia! Happy birthday too you!" Connor and I sang to our 1 year old.
"I can't believe two years ago today, I thought we would never have this chance." Connor said smiling at me.
"I know and I'm so happy!

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