Grandpa? (Kelly Severide)

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Female reader x Kelly severide
This was requested by xXFrankenHeartXx
Prompt- Then may I request a Kelly x Female reader where the reader is Herrmann's daughter (who is a paramedic at 51) and the reader starts feeling unwell and ends up passing out at the firehouse. Of course both Kelly and Herrmann are concerned so they both go with her to the hospital to get checked out. That's where the reader finds out she's pregnant (she finds out alone and not when Kelly or her father are in the room). The next day at the firehouse the very first thing Herrmann says to his daughter is "I'm gonna be a grandpa aren't I?" As he had put the pieces together from the symptoms of pregnancy from what Cindy had with the kids.

Hope you enjoy! Thank you so much for the request! And my requests are now open again so if you would like to request please do!
Word count- 971 words

"Morning dad!" I greeted my father as I walked in to see him reading the newspaper with Mouch.
"Why are you in such a good mood?"
"Why not? It's a beautiful day outside!"
He gave me a look.
"Now this is weird. Y/n is happy for once?"
"Ha ha. So funny dad."
"No really it is weird. Your in a really good mood and your not a morning person." Stella said when I came over to where she was making breakfast. I ignored the comment.
"What's for breakfast? I am starving."
"Pancakes and eggs."
"That sounds delicious!"
"You don't like eggs?"
"I know, but for some reason they sound really good today." Stella nodded and handed me a plate of eggs and pancakes.
I went out to the squad table and sat next to Kelly.
"Do you think I've been cheerful this morning?" I asked taking a bite of the pancake.
"What is that supposed to mean?"
"I have no clue, but my dad thinks it's weird that I'm so happy." Kelly laughed at me as I continued to eat.
"I like seeing you happy." I smiled at him.
"Ambulance 61, person down due to unknown causes."
"Ahh! Damnit! This better still be here by the time I get back." I warned Kelly before making my way to the passenger side of the rig.
"Morning Sylvie."
"Morning y/n."
Sylvie drove to the house.
We grabbed what we needed and walked up to the door.
"Did you call for an ambulance sir?" I asked when an older man appeared at the door.
"Yes! My wife she slipped walking down the stairs and she can't get up, please help her."
"Alright sir can you show us where she is?"
We followed him over to where his wife was lying on the ground.
"Ma'am we're gonna try to help you up okay?" Brett and I both grabbed one of her arms and helped her up.
"Can you walk ma'am?"
"No, no I don't think so dear." I nodded. We helped her onto the gurney.
"It looks like she has a broken hip."
"Alright, let's get her to med."
"Oh can I come with you?" The husband asked. I nodded.
Brett got in the drivers seat and I got in the back with the woman's husband.
"She's gonna be okay right?"
"She's gonna be fine, I promise. I'm just gonna give her something for the pain." I said starting to feel nauseous. Maybe those eggs weren't sitting right with me. The woman smiled at me.
"Oh are you married?" She asked setting her hand on top of mine. I looked at my engagement ring.
"No, not yet. Just engaged."
"Oh what I would do to be young and in love again!" I smiled at her.
"How long have you guys been married?"
"52 years. They've been the best years of my life." The man said smiling lovingly at his wife.

After we took them to med we went back to the firehouse and I still felt sick.
"Hey you okay y/n?" You look a little pale." Sylvie said placing her hand on my forehead.
"I feel kinda nauseous."
"Well you definitely have a fever."
"It's probably just something I ate."
"Maybe." She parked the rig and I hopped out, but I think I moved a little too fast because the next thing I knew I was laying on the cold hard ground.

I woke up to bright lights shining in my eyes.
"Oh good your awake!" When my eyes finally adjusted I saw Dr. Manning standing in front of me.
"What happened?"
"You passed out."
"You were moving too fast on your feet and you were dehydrated along with pregnant."
"I'm sorry did you just say pregnant?"
She nodded with a smile.
"Yes! 6 weeks along! Congratulations!"
"Can you uh- please send Kelly in here?"
"Of course! Would you like me to tell your dad to come too?"
"Uh no thank you."
She nodded and a couple minutes came back in with Kelly.
"I'll give you guys some privacy."
"Do you feel any better?" I nodded but didn't say anything.
"Me and your dad were so worried."
"Kelly, I'm pregnant." I blurted out.
"Really? I'm gonna be a dad."
I nodded.
"This is amazing!"

(The next day)
I walked into the firehouse feeling better than I did yesterday.
"Hey y/n, can I talk to you?"
"Sure dad."
I followed him to a more private place to talk.
"So what's up dad?"
"I'm gonna be a grandpa aren't I?" He asked with a huge smile on his face.
"How the hell did you know?"
"Your mom had the same symptoms when she was pregnant with you, your brothers, and your sister." I laughed.
"Congratulations kid. I love you." He said giving me a hug.
"I love you too dad."

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