my boss (2) *smut warning!*

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A/N - This one is uhh...Something. Haha enjoy


Sitting at my desk, I scribble a note to my colleague with a giggle. She'll most likely agree when she reads it. However, I didn't notice our boss watching us from aside.

'Mr Macchio is such a dick...But he's hot ;)'

With a Chesire grin, I slide the note to her only to be interrupted. "Ladies, is there something you want to share with everyone?"

He approaches me, towering over. "No sir" I reply but he grabs the note, opening it and taking a look. I flush hot red, this won't end well!

"Miss Y/l/n, my office" he says calmly.

"Shit" I mumble, I didn't mean to get caught. With a sigh, I push myself up and follow him into his office, the door shutting after him with the loud click of the lock. I watch as he fumbles with the shutter blinds, closing them.

He moves to his desk, leaning against it. Hands in pockets. I study him.

He's taller than me, his tan skin compliments the darkness of his suit. His white button-up shirt peeks out from under his blazer, his mysterious eyes scan me from behind his polished glasses that sit just on the bridge of his nose.

"So...Your note" he starts, slowly licking his lips. I gulp. "You say I'm a dick...But a hot one?"

I shuffle my feet, not knowing what to say. I can't lose this job but any wrong words and I could lose it in a second.

"Is that what you really think of me, Y/n?" He says in a teasing way, moving closer to me. I shake my head. "You're not a dick, I was just joking" I squeaked. He chuckles. "Since we're on that topic...Is that what you want?" He asks with a small bite of his lip.

Mr Macchio looks at my face, then down to my boobs. I should feel uncomfortable but...I don't. "Y-yes?" I whisper in compliance. He blinks twice, quickly. He clears his throat. "You seem to know what you want so tell me" he's blunt.

I'm speechless, is he talking about what I think he's talking about?

He's showing great patience with me. After working here for nearly ten years, I know of all people he isn't a patient man. "Don't overthink it, just tell me" he commands. I don't respond.

He moves to my ear. "I guess I'll just do what I want. I assure you...I won't be half as gentle as what you have in mind."

"Uh" I let out a high pitched noise, this can't be happening. He moves in front again.

"Strip" he orders. "Now!"

With wide, cautious eyes I do as I'm told. He watches every piece of my clothing be removed, eventually just piling on the floor as I stand there naked. In front of my boss. In his office. "Is this what you want?" I'm quiet like a mouse, my face red.

"Mhmm. Lay on the desk" he instructs. So I do.

The wood is cold against my bare skin but I don't protest. I could, but I don't. I watch as Mr Macchio walks over to his briefcase and pulls out something...metal? I'm nervous. 

"Sir I don't think-"

"Shhh," he hums.

In a swift moment, my hands are handcuffed above my head. He's looking at me with the cheekiest smirk, he knows he's in control. My eager eyes stare as he pulls his blazer off, slowly unbuttoning that stainless white shirt.

I swallow nervously. It's all happening so fast. He presses his thumbs in his waistband, shoving his pants down, instantly followed by his boxers.


There's no way he's gonna fit ALL of that in me. His warm hands roam my body, causing me to wiggle a little. "You're so beautiful" I hear him mutter. "S-sir" I whimper and he covers my mouth with his hand.

"Shhh, you're all mine" he winks.

With no warning, he spreads my legs and forcefully shoves himself in earning a loud muffled moan. He slides in deep, pulling out slightly before thrusting in again, keeping the rhythm. "Fuck you're tight...So tight" he hisses.

I know he's turned on.

My body feels like its glued in place from the friction of the desk against my skin and his tight grip that keeps me close to him. I moan behind his fiery hand, I hear him groan through his panting. 

I feel my back arch as the orgasm builds. "Moreee" I beg and he does, how? it's beyond me. He fucks like a crazed man, thirsty for me. I feel myself peaking and it doesn't take long for me to reach my release, tightening against his dick which he loves.

Toes curled. Sight blurred. Body on fire.

When I think he can't give more, he does. Even in a building surrounded by others, it feels like it's just me and him, all my troubles melt away as I'm thrown into a euphoria. The mix of pain and pleasure creating something so lucrative.

He groans loudly as he finally cums, most of it being leaked onto the carpet as he pulls out with heavy breathing. "You wanna keep your job?" He pants, uncuffing me. I wipe the slight sweat off my face with a nod.

"Then I'll be seeing you in here more often."

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