Bill Gambini (5)

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A/N - I just came back to Wattpad to find that my bill fanfiction was reported and now it's been deleted. I'm quite sad because I put a lot of effort into it, I'm sorry to anyone who was reading it. I'll try to update more on here for the bill lovers

Imagine: You're a witness who takes the stand and you catch Bill's attention


The trial takes longer than I thought, it takes a few hours for the case to climax. 

"Miss Y/l/n, hold up your right hand. Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you, God?"

I swallow nervously. "Yes."

Judge Chamberlain Haller looks at me and I can see one of the defendants eyeing me curiously too.

"Miss Y/l/n, please could you recall what happened at the Sac-O-Suds convenience store?" The defence attorney Mr Gambini asks.

So I do, I answer everything that is the truth and the more I talk, the more confident I feel that we'll win this case.

"-And then they left. Nothing suspicious at all, just two people going about their day" I finish.

"Thank you Miss Y/l/n, you may stand down."

I nod and leave the witness stand, I can still feel Bill Gambini looking at me.

I take my seat on the bench as the next witness is brought into the courtroom. It takes another long while before we finally get somewhere.

"-And because both cars were made by GM, were both cars available in metallic mint green paint?" Vinny questions. 

"They were!" His fiancé Lisa answers proudly in her thick new jersey accent.

"Thank you, Ms Vito. No more questions. You've been a lovely, lovely witness" Vinny kisses her hands.

The next two witnesses are brought forward and questioned.

"Mr Trotter?" Judge Chamberlain Haller calls out.

"Your honor, in light of Miss Vito's and Mr Wilbur's testimony, the state would like to dismiss all charges" Mr Trotter announces.

The courtroom is filled with cheers as the two defendants are set free. I smile. My work here is done. 

I leave the courthouse and head down the steps to my car. "Y/n!" I hear a voice call out. I turn around to see Bill Gambini wandering down the steps towards me.

"I'd just like to thank you for your testimony, it really helped to save us" he gushes, I can see the tears of joy in his eyes.

"You're welcome, you deserve justice after all" I reply brightly.

He then suddenly pulls me in for a hug, I breathe in his sweet scent. "Hey...I have a question" he tells me.

"Shoot," I say.

"Will you go out to dinner with me? Just us two..."

I'm surprised, to say the least.

"Really? You'd go on a date with me?" I ask.

"Of course. How could I pass a beautiful girl that just helped to save my life?" He smiles.

I feel butterflies in my tummy and I already know my answer.

"It's a date."

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