vampire Ralph (9)

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A/N - Just reached 100 chapters! Another 100 until this book is finished because Wattpad only allows 200, thank you for the continuous support my lovelies ♡ 

Imagine: Your vampire wedding


I wander along the forest trail heading towards the ceremony, I'm nervous. My black wedding dress flows behind me. Normally, I would've chosen a traditional white but Ralph insisted I follow the dark theme. When I finally arrive, the guests stand up.

 All eyes are on me, as I'm the only human.

All the vampire's fangs glisten but oddly enough, I feel safe. Ralph grins at me as I head towards him and I'm no longer nervous, I'm ready to get married.  As we stand together, the celebrant begins his speech, the guests taking their seats again.

"Welcome one and all to witness Ralph and Y/n as they pledge their dedication to walk the night together" he commences. 

Then, the celebrant ties our left wrists tightly in a red cloth.

"From the night we come, to the night we go,
Cursed or blessed to walk the moonlight alone.
Sometimes a soul walks our path,
Then two become one, an everlasting love.
Within each other, these two are found,
Bear witness as their souls are bound."

Everyone listens with deep intent as the rays of the twilight shine down upon us.

Eventually, he turns to Ralph. "You may begin your vows."

Ralph gently lifts up my hand, slipping the ring on my finger.

"Y/n, I vow to share every part of myself with you in this life and every life hereafter. With this ring, I ask you to be mine. I will stand by your side, have your back, and bless your soul. I will stand between you and all which would harm you, shielding you all I can. I will never betray you, for you are my heart, my soul and my life."

I smile and slip the other ring on Ralph's finger.

"Ralph, I vow to share every part of myself with you in this life and every life hereafter. With this ring, I ask you to be mine. I will stand by your side, have your back, and bless your soul. I will stand between you and all which would harm you, shielding you all I can. I will never betray you, for you are my heart, my soul and my life."

He smiles brightly at me.

The celebrant continues his speech.

"Above you are the stars, below you are the stones. As time passes, like the star should your love burn brightly, like the stone should your love be firm. Possess one another, yet grant each other the freedom to grow. Be understanding and compassionate, and have patience for storms may come, but quickly will they pass. May your love endure through this life and all others."

We are finally handed a goblet that contains blood, I take a deep breath. Ralph takes the first sip, a big one. After, he gives it to me. I take a sip, not as much but enough to satisfy him. When we finish, the celebrant pours the remaining blood on the ground before untying our wrists.

"I present to you all a couple, forever bound, eternally free! I proclaim you husband and wife for eternity and thus are you bonded in blood. The two are now one. You may now kiss" the celebrant announces.

Ralph instantly pulls me close and kisses me with a burning passion as the guests clap for us. I feel his fangs graze my lower lip but he holds back a bite. "We're finally together," he says in my ear with a husky voice.

"Just me and you baby" I reply, holding his face close to mine. He kisses me once more before scooping me up into his arms bridal style before he carries me all the way home to start our new life, possibly even a family.

Ralph Macchio imagines ♡Where stories live. Discover now